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Joe's Twin Carb Pan

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  • Joe's Twin Carb Pan

    Joe's enthusiasm on this forum is very refreshing........... Nice Pan man!!

    Cory Othen

  • #2
    That is one drop dead beautiful motorcycle.
    Be sure to visit;
    Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
    Also be sure to visit


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
      That is one drop dead beautiful motorcycle.
      That's what I was just thinking........
      Cory Othen


      • #4
        That is a nice bike. He's had this at Oley the last couple of years. Bob L
        AMCA #3149


        • #5
          We liked it so much we ran a full feature on it (including cover) in American Iron Magazine a year or so ago. Stunning!
          Buzz Kanter
          Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
          [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
          [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


          • #6
            M/C Cannonball 2010

            Thanks Guys for the positive outlook of my work. Take a look at the parking lot chatter forum for an ongoing article of the 1914 M/C Cannonball project currently in progress. This 14 twin cylinder single speed Harley is a ground up build specifically for the M/C Cannonball 2010 rally and is not being build to any AMCA standards although it will be as authentic as possible giving the consideration of its purpose.


            • #7
              Truly is a work or Art

              Yea this beautifull work of Art sat beside my crusty original 56FLH Flambouyant green Glide at Oley and I just couldn't take my eyes off of it and wonder how the Cam worked with the cylinder arrangment too. This Motorcycle shows alot of quality crasftmanship involved. We really can sit and stare at our bikes and enjoy them as well as ride them. Keep riding them. Merlin in Pa.


              • #8
                Hi Joe. I met you at Oley and voiced my admiration to your handy work. No matter how many times I set eyes on your machine...I am totally hypnotized by your creation. Paps


                • #9
                  Thanks for your appreciation

                  The cam is a custom grind by Jim Leineweber exchanging the location of the intake / exhaust lobes for the rear cylinder. The rear lifter block remains unchanged.

                  I still have a difficult time walking past this bike without stopping to look it over.


                  • #10
                    Hot Bike just published the 2009 results of all the bikes displayed at Sturgis South Dakota World Championship of Custom Bike Building event. This special issue is dedicated to the Sturgis event and has published photos of all competing bikes in the event including my bike (to conservative? no awards).
                    Joe 1-28-2010
                    Last edited by Slojo; 01-28-2010, 07:42 PM.


                    • #11
                      If yours got no awards then those folks don't know diddly about fine motorcycles. Your bike has the same attraction as a beautiful women to me, I just can't look away.
                      AMCA #7300


                      • #12
                        Thank you Steve. The show was judged by the builders themselves and custom was the key. It appears my bike was more restoration than custom in their eyes.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Slojo View Post
                          Thank you Steve. The show was judged by the builders themselves and custom was the key. It appears my bike was more restoration than custom in their eyes.
                          well that just proves they don't know what a restoration looks like either. i drooled over your bike when i saw it last year. it seems like nobody dares to do it "their way" any more.----to scared to bring down the "value" from restored i guess. it was really refreshing to see what you did with yours. i remember someone joking with you about what would it take to put it back stock. i can't remember your answer exactly but it was something like "well first you would have to be able to afford to buy it like it is" or something----my memory is failing i guess----great bike


                          • #14
                            The thing about Joe's bike is that every time you see it you notice some detail you missed the last time you saw it. A really trick yet beautiful bike.
                            Lonnie Campbell #9908
                            South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                            Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                            Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by flat-happy View Post
                              .----to scared to bring down the "value" from restored i guess. it was really refreshing to see what you did with yours. i remember someone joking with you about what would it take to put it back stock. i can't remember your answer exactly but it was something like "well first you would have to be able to afford to buy it like it is" or something----my memory is failing i guess----great bike
                              Now I like that kind of a reply!
                              Joe,The pan is a work of art to!!
                              AMCA Member#1848

