Some time ago I had a nice set of replica bags made to fit my 1950 Pan. Since my 1950 rear fender needed a lot of work, which I just finished, I have just now put them on. I have never run bags before, and have a couple questions for those more knowlegeable on the subject than I. The left-hand bag fits pretty good, and the right would too, if not for the tool box. Looking at factory photos, I see that the right side bag appears to be "scrunched" against, over and around the tool box. So it is on mine, but it just seems that it really has to be tortured to fit around the tool box, and then the bag is crammed against the crash bar. Looks like it would fit better if the bottom angle brace was removed from the bag, but it should fit with it on? Am I missing something here? Do the bags just need to be broken in to fit better? The mounting holes in the fender are as high as possible with-out going into the flange on the wire channel, and the rear hole is 3/4" from the joint between the front and rear fender sections. The tool box location checks out OK, and the mount hole on the tool box lines-up fine with the hole in the fender, spacer is installed. I think everything is where it's supposed to be and the bags look to be in the proper location according to the factory photos, but I'm just not comfortable calling it good, unless I'm sure this is as good as it gets. Also wondered if the extra length on the tie down straps is supposed to be trimmed after they are wrapped around the frame/fender braces and buckled.
Thanks, Doug
Thanks, Doug