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More misc. '55 FLH questions

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  • More misc. '55 FLH questions

    Thank you folks, for the feedback on the previous thread. I will retain the thumbscrew type tool box and argue my case with the judges next time. I also have a line on an engraved air filter cover and will put the right one on next time.

    With all due respect to the judges, can they have "bad" days?

    I got docked on an upside down brake lever pivot pin. Huh? They only made one lever set (-41) and it has to be upside down on one side or the other. That "barn fresh '55" that just sold on e-bay (I have all of those very valuable pictures should any one want them) showed the brake side pin upside down too. What do I do? Discuss this with the judges? I can't get one if there wasn't one. OR, am I wrong?

    They docked me on having a cad generator cover (no text or pictures anywhere say it should be chrome) and having no lockwashers - which it did and cad to boot. Should the gen. cover be cad?

    Can someone explain the "star hub grease fitting 180 off the Shrader valve" situation to me? It was close, but not exact. Re-lacing a factory wheel doesn't set well with me.

    Can I get some info on the correct steering head lock also? Palmer's book says '55 is the "last of the open face steering head lock". I have the same one as the eBay '55 and also the same as shown on the factory pictures on the Antique Cycle Supply CD. They docked me as wrong.

    Finally, Chris..they zinged me on having silver painted head pipes (I do have the chrome accordian covers on also) and silver painted Y and S pipes. Mr Palmer's book says chrome S and Y pipes, you suggested silver or aluminum paint months ago - with expanation that the book isn't 100%. Every picture I have seen shows painted. Should I argue the point next time?

    I could go on and on. Can you tell I am aggravated with some of the judging results? Don't get me wrong, some of it was invaluable as far as correct information was concerned. But Holy smokes, Batman.

    BTW, I'm gonna ride it. I refuse to build a trailer queen. And I intend to ride it a lot. It is what they are for! As in right now. See ya................................84 and sunny here in F-L-A!

    Wayne Feltham #4329

  • #2
    Wayne,The silver pipes should be correct. The grease fitting deal is this, if the wheel is positioned with the schrader at the bottom ( 6 oclock on the rim) the grease fitting should be at the top of the hub (12 oclock on the hub). I believe the standard generator cover was black, with chrome being an option and in at least one equipment group, don't think cadmium was ever offered on that. Not sure what they mean by pivot pin upside down?
    Brian Howard AMCA#5866


    • #3
      The pivot pin is always upside down on the right side as the bracket was originally built for the left. The cable pivot is always right side up on either side. If the judge calls you on that and no one on the team (It was a team, right?), questions it then the team is suspect on any other calls they made. The chief judge should correct it. Send it to Kevin, he'll do you right.
      Robbie Knight Amca #2736


      • #4
        Did some more looking and I see where the judges get the chrome S&Y pipes from. Palmers book mentions them as a new feature for 51, but I can't find anything to back that up. It's not mentioned on order blanks out to 54 at least( the latest I have), parts books of the time do not mention or list them either. Anyone know where that came from?
        Brian Howard AMCA#5866


        • #5
          Notide the painted "S" pipe. You can also see the painted headpipes above the shields where they attach to the heads

          In all fairness there are corrections and newly learned information to Palmer's book. Bruce has submited the corrections and upgrades to the publisher, Motorbooks, but they refuse to add them to the book.
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          • #6
            Once again, thank you for the input!

