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  • Headlights

    So I'm going through the parts I've been gathering for my 51 and noticed something about the headlight I picked up for it that I can't recall ever seeing before. It is a chrome plated brass headlight with all the proper GUIDE markings, but it is made differently than the one on a friends 52, or any that I can remember. The difference is at the mounting plate that is riveted to the bottom of the bucket. Or more precisely the bucket itself where the bracket is riveted on. Instaed of just having the bracket riveted to the bucket this one is partially dimpled in so the bracket is actually recessed into the bucket, but only on the right side. This has the effect of shifting the headlight a few degrees to the right when mounted. This would seem to make sense for keeping the light beam out of the eyes of oncoming traffic ( at least here in the USA). My question is at what point did they start doing this?
    Brian Howard AMCA#5866

  • #2
    This happens when the headlamp takes an impact.
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    • #3
      I thought that at first also, but it looks too perfect. The recess follows the shape of the plate perfectly, without something to support the metal on the inside I would expect an impact to cause a flattened spot on the bucket. It would also seem that an impact with enough force to press the right side of the bracket in so it was flush with the bucket should have really distorted, if not crushed the bucket. While I can't rule out the possibility that it has had an encounter of the asphalt kind at some point in its life aside from a few small dings it is round and straight. I have attatched a photo but it is very difficult to see .
      Attached Files
      Brian Howard AMCA#5866


      • #4
        I have had it happen in front of my eyes. Sadly worse than yours.
        Last edited by Chris Haynes; 10-23-2008, 07:55 PM.
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        • #5
          Yep, that's it exactly. Simply amazing. Well I guess I need gto root around some more for a nicer one. Thanks Chris.
          Brian Howard AMCA#5866


          • #6
            That headlamp was on a fork, on the frame and took a 12 foot nosedive off the pallet rack. It landed square on the headlamp and fork.
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            • #7
              Ouch! Lucky if that was all that got messed up. Since mine doesn't have any real hard creases in it and it is pretty worthless as is, I think I'm going to block it up in the big arbor press and see what happens if I try to push it back out. Nothing ventured , nothing gained.
              Brian Howard AMCA#5866


              • #8
                Amazingly it didn't break the sealed beam even though it was a direct hit on the concrete floor.
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                • #9
                  My luck would never run that good. My luck, I would've been right there to brake its fall with my head or something. Although I did manage to push my headlight back out on the press today. About an hour of carefull presssing and alternately working with hammers and dollies and it looks pretty good, a little more planishing and another small ding or two to raise and all should be good, as I said nothing ventured.....
                  Brian Howard AMCA#5866


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bmh View Post
                    Although I did manage to push my headlight back out on the press today. About an hour of carefull presssing and alternately working with hammers and dollies and it looks pretty good, a little more planishing and another small ding or two to raise and all should be good, as I said nothing ventured.....
                    How would ya feel about doing another one?
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                    • #11
                      The one you pictured would be alot tougher, metal looks like it stretched pretty bad at the corner. The corner around the bracket turned out to be a real tough spot to work,I still have a little crease to pick out there.
                      Attached Files
                      Brian Howard AMCA#5866

