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Hydraulic lifters

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  • Hydraulic lifters

    I am in need of a set of hydraulic lifters for my latest panhead project The motor is a 1959 FLH . Any suggestions on which are reliable or not Thanks if you can help

  • #2
    A couple of months ago I bought a Sifton (made in Taiwan-didn't know) set and they were about .005 too big in diameter and would not fit stock tappets without altering one or the other. They looked real nice. I never tried them.
    Bob Rice #6738


    • #3

      I've done "a lot" of research, measuring and testing on these.
      I recommend the S&S 330-0379. They are expensive, however for a reason...
      There are plenty of other options out there if you want something at a lesser price and manufactured tolerances(quality). Expect those results...

      If you're dealing with actual "lifter noise" issues, that is another topic that is very in-depth.

      Properly set up Hydraulic valve train is a Great thing! It is superior to mechanically adjusted solid valve train on a street operated daily driver motorcycle. Stick with it!

      I hope this helps,

      Duke Kleman


      • #4
        Thanks dukekleman Im going with the S&S lifters


        • #5

          ​​​​​​Your very welcome.
          If you have questions regarding installation, tolerances and any other requirements for hydraulic lifter operation feel free to message me.

          Duke Kleman


          • #6
            Originally posted by dukekleman View Post

            I've done "a lot" of research, measuring and testing on these.
            I recommend the S&S 330-0379. They are expensive, however for a reason...
            There are plenty of other options out there if you want something at a lesser price and manufactured tolerances(quality). Expect those results...

            If you're dealing with actual "lifter noise" issues, that is another topic that is very in-depth.

            Properly set up Hydraulic valve train is a Great thing! It is superior to mechanically adjusted solid valve train on a street operated daily driver motorcycle. Stick with it!

            I hope this helps,

            Duke Kleman
            You mentioned you've done alot of research on hydraulic units. I have some units with an approx. .045 wire spring and some with an approx. .060, do you know when the change occurred and why? Thanks.
            Bob Rice #6738


            • #7

              Are you sure your lifter units are both OEM?

              My research would say they are not both OEM...

              The springs you mention, the outer body dimensions (OD and ID) , plunger body dimensions and push rod seat dimensions all vary.

              Duke Kleman


              • #8
                I am not sure what is what. I have bought hydraulic lifter units over the past 30+ years. I probably have 20 or so units in both wire sizes. You say your research would say they are not both oem. So I ask from your experience and oem examples you have what is the wire diameter on the lifters you have which are known to be oem? .045 or .060? I have only assumed that maybe when HD went to wider feed gears in the oil pump they also went with a heaver spring or did they use a heaver spring with the less wide feed gears to help eliminate with lifter collapse? It is hard to believe my purchases over 30 years are all oem, maybe they are, maybe not, I don't know, agian please let me know what oem wire diameter you have. Thanks
                Bob Rice #6738


                • #9
                  I have ordered a set of the S&S inserts for the lifters. Now any suggestions on a new set of pushrods I see a lot of options out there Thanks for all the help


                  • #10

                    My data for OEM wire diameter is 0.042".


                    I use to use the Vulcan engineering pushrods set if a good used OEM wasn't available. However I haven't seen them available either any more.

                    You may have to try a set of 11-9522 pushrods from V twin or a set of 7515-4 from colony. I have no experience with them to share.

                    Hope this helps,

                    Duke Kleman


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ldfly112 View Post
                      I have ordered a set of the S&S inserts for the lifters. Now any suggestions on a new set of pushrods I see a lot of options out there Thanks for all the help
                      It would seem logical, Idfly,

                      That the manufacturer of lifters would also produce the most appropriate pushrods, insuring the best fit, and minimizing risk of warranty. (After all, the expansion difference between aluminum and steel may affect the travel limits of the hydraulics' pistons.)

                      Its been decades for me; Does S&S no longer produce pushrods?

                      AMCA #776
                      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                      • #12

                        S&S does not produce a Panhead push rod set for that year Hydraulic unit.

                        Duke Kleman


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dukekleman View Post

                          S&S does not produce a Panhead push rod set for that year Hydraulic unit.

                          Duke Kleman
                          That's sad, Duke!

                          So the lifters are compatible with OEM rods?

                          AMCA #776
                          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                          • #14
                            Yes, that is correct.
                            They are an OEM style replacement lifter unit.


                            • #15
                              Not trying to beat a dead horse, just curious to the change. OEM NOS lifter, but 53A part # and year of manufacture '97. My original pan parts book no A just -53, my '76 parts book dated Jan '76 no A, my '84 parts book has 53A. Anybody have any insight? Why the change? I believe an Evo lifter is totally different. What wire size are S&S? Thanks.
                              Bob Rice #6738

