I recently purchased a 1952 FL from a member on the AMCA Facebook page. The bike was located about 1400 miles away so I had to rely on pictures and phone conversations with the seller.
The bike shows up and after a brief inspection I see it has an early 51 frame. It has 10-32 horn mount holes, vertical tool box mount, and the small type top motor mount. The seller tells me that this is correct because the VIN # is very low, FL 1600's. Is this possible?? I look forward to the groups feedback on this . Thank you.
The bike shows up and after a brief inspection I see it has an early 51 frame. It has 10-32 horn mount holes, vertical tool box mount, and the small type top motor mount. The seller tells me that this is correct because the VIN # is very low, FL 1600's. Is this possible?? I look forward to the groups feedback on this . Thank you.