Morning All,
I have a set of cast iron pan tappet guides that appear similar to the early ‘48-’52 aluminum only guides (according to Bruce’s book) with no drill oil passages and unlike the ’53-’65 guides with drilled oil passages, cast iron and with casting #’s 18600-53 & 18610-053. My cast iron guides have similar but different casting #’s(?-481 and ?-48?) like the ’48-’52 guides with #9-483 & #9-482. I thought these guides were later cast iron guides with a production oversight (no drilled oil passage); but, the earl style casting #’s throws me.
Could these be aftermarket guides? Did the MoCo make a replacement '48-'52 cast iron guides after the start of the ’53 & later guides to address aluminum guide issues during the ’48-’52 year models?
Thanks, William
I have a set of cast iron pan tappet guides that appear similar to the early ‘48-’52 aluminum only guides (according to Bruce’s book) with no drill oil passages and unlike the ’53-’65 guides with drilled oil passages, cast iron and with casting #’s 18600-53 & 18610-053. My cast iron guides have similar but different casting #’s(?-481 and ?-48?) like the ’48-’52 guides with #9-483 & #9-482. I thought these guides were later cast iron guides with a production oversight (no drilled oil passage); but, the earl style casting #’s throws me.
Could these be aftermarket guides? Did the MoCo make a replacement '48-'52 cast iron guides after the start of the ’53 & later guides to address aluminum guide issues during the ’48-’52 year models?

Thanks, William