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The Knucklehead Years is coming

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  • The Knucklehead Years is coming

    Dear All, I've got another non-commercial project in progress to get period 1936-47 knucklehead literature out to our members. This time it is four volumes of nearly 500 pages each, with all 143 Enthusiast magazines, all the sales brochures and dealer new model announcements, pictures of good restored and unrestored bikes, and some technical commentary. I have hopes of publishing Volume 1, Jan 1936-Dec 38 in August 2022, with the rest by year end. I'm looking for pictures of good bikes, all years, plus the 1942 new models sales brochure if one was ever printed.

    All pictures will be individually credited, so here's your chance to show off your machine and show other AMCA members how they were originally put together. Please Email pictures to me at, and they'll need to be over a megabyte if used at full page size. Thank you.

  • #2
    Dear All, it looks like I have all the literature except the 1941 new models Dealer announcement from around September 1940. If anyone has it I would sure appreciate a copy.

    And I'm still looking for the 1942 sales brochure, if one was ever issued.

    Thanks and please Email


    • #3
      I have a '41 Dealer Announcement dated Sept.3 1940. I think can scan it for you, it is an odd size so I'll have to check, otherwise I can have it scanned at a copy service in town. The '42 brochure is a generic version used in the war years, not dated to '42.
      Robbie Knight Amca #2736


      • #4
        Dear Robbie, thank you so much and a copy to me in the mail would get at least a thank you in the book. Maybe a scanned pdf to would save the postage and still work. I have a copy of the generic brochure, which Bruce Linsday told me is more likely 1944 but I don't know for sure.

        The 1942 dealer announcement says they are printing some 1942 sales brochures but I've never seen one, so again any help welcomed. I didn't think this was the same as the generic brochure but, as always, I could be wrong.


        • #5
          Dear All, thanks for your help everybody. I've seen an early proof of Volume 1 from the printer and it is 502 pages with the covers, so it will be pushing 2000 pages of mostly period info for the set. Thanks to your help we have all the Jan 1936 to Dec 1947 Enthusiasts, all the sales brochures and all the dealer new model announcements, plus some great full page color pictures of accurately restored and original paint AMCA bikes for each year knucklehead, plus technical and styling commentary and production numbers. I should have copies in October, so probably November to get them to the US. This is not a coffee table book but a lot of reading for those seriously interested. I'm finding a US distributor to save the horrendous cost of airmailing individual copies, and will let you know who it is and how much for the volumes as soon as I know. If anyone is keen enough to pre-order for Christmas, please let me know at

