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I must be missing something... please clue me in.

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  • #31
    One of my best friends was involved in old guitars and billiard/pool cues. The Japanese went nuts over pool after the movie The Color Of Money with Paul Newman back in the mid 80's. Back in the late 80's and 90's things were selling just like Knucklehead motorcycle parts are now and the sky was the limit. The Japanese were flying over here with suitcases full of cash and traveling around the USA buying everything in sight. My friend invested heavily as he grew up playing pool and it was something he knew and loved.
    Today, 30 years later IF and WHEN he sells a Cue he is lucky if he gets 50 cents on the dollar and sometimes even less. Anytime he sees me sell something on ebay for decent money he tells me to kiss the ground and be thankful I didn't lose a few hundred grand like he did. SO? Will the whole scenario happen again? It could? I guess it is where we get the saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket". 46EL


    • #32
      The Japanese went nuts over pool after the movie The Color Of Money with Paul Newman back in the mid 80's.
      My friend invested heavily as he grew up playing pool and it was something he knew and loved.
      These two statements describe the situation, a movie caused prices to go wild, he invested heavily in hopes that he could sell for more.
      Every speculation crashes as it is based on speculation (selling for more) and not the true value of an item.
      What is the true value of a knucklehead ? Nobody knows, if you buy for love your ok, if you buy for profit there is risk.
      Sprinsteen's 57 Chevy convertible, true value $30k, has a $275k bid, unbelievable, now that's speculation.


      • #33
        The best advice I ever got in this old bike hobby was; just collect what you like. Even if the bottom falls out, you still have something you like. If someone gets into this just to make money, I hope they loose their shirt. Money people ruin everything they touch.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #34
          But even if you invest wisely and something happens and you owe lets say the Hospital a ton of money that early Knucklehead you "like" isn't something the Hospital with take in exchange of good old fashioned money for what you owe them. If you own a home, have a pension or a 401K or even a simple bank account with piddly amounts of 1% interest you in some way I believe are in that group of "money people" who invest to make some money on their money. Personally I believe in karma and would never wish anyone to lose anything on what they invest it no matter what it is. 46EL.


          • #35
            I'm talking about things that are suppose to be a hobby, and done for personal enrichment, not financial enrichment. However, I don't begrudge people for making money on a motorcycle or parts that they have enjoyed, or have an abundance of. I'm realistic in that respect; but I have seen way too many insincere, opportunists who hang around for 2, or 3 years, make money, then move on to boats, cars, real estate, or slip and fall scams at Walmart
            Eric Smith
            AMCA #886


            • #36
              Aha - It is back.



