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Springer fork question

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  • Springer fork question

    Are the spring rod lower nuts parkerized, or were they painted black along with the rest of the fork?

  • #2
    I going to assume that your talking about the nuts under the acorn nuts? They are parkerized as are the nuts that hold the spring rods in. Bob L
    AMCA #3149


    • #3
      It would help with a part # John.
      Are you talking about the nuts under the front leg that are screwed on then tacked to the spring rod.
      If your meaning the nuts #2633-30A, how can they be parkerized if they were tack welded and installed with the front leg painted or not painted? Unless they parkerize the whole front leg then mask off the nuts and then paint? If the later, looks like I have to take my front end apart and start over on the front leg. My rods are parkerized from the top of the front leg up and the nuts 2633-30A are painted along with the front leg.
      I believe I researched this and thought that's how it was done along with pictures from op bikes.
      AMCA #765


      • #4
        Len, if that's the case. Then at one time on my 48 someone must have changed the spring rods. I never knew they were tack welded to the rod. Live and learn. Bob
        AMCA #3149


        • #5
          I meant pn 45645-30, the lower rod nuts. Please stop using that obsolete number system, you know it drives me crazy,har har. I kinda thought the nuts were painted with the rest of the fork leg, but I'd thought ask to be sure. I've decided to have the forks stripped to make sure they don't have as many cracks as my frame did!
          It seems pretty common that the tack weld was overlooked on spring rod replacement jobs.


          • #6
            Thanks Bob as it's hard to give an opinion in writing without seeming arrogant.
            The nuts are mentioned in Palmers page 49 under spring rod replacement. All the forks I've seen have this tack weld.
            Kinda makes sense in that what will keep that nut in place.
            But then we open the gate into the era of when did electric weld first start.
            I wonder if Bruce will address that in his new book?
            AMCA #765


            • #7
              Then you are asking about #2633-30A. This is a special nut that is concaved on one side. 4 digit is all that my parts book shows.
              You pan, shovel guys using that 5 digit. Then I get into my 52 book and all is lost.
              Originally posted by VPH-D View Post
              I meant pn 45645-30, the lower rod nuts. Please stop using that obsolete number system, you know it drives me crazy,har har. I kinda thought the nuts were painted with the rest of the fork leg, but I'd thought ask to be sure. I've decided to have the forks stripped to make sure they don't have as many cracks as my frame did!
              It seems pretty common that the tack weld was overlooked on spring rod replacement jobs.
              AMCA #765


              • #8
                I prefer the term 'Hydra-Glide Man', not pan, shovel guy. I do have a couple of parts books that use the archaic numbering system, but I only look at them if I can't avoid it. You do know Columbus discovered the New World in 1948, right? Prior to that date H-Ds were only ridden by Vikings.


                • #9
                  Original paint 36E2416 has the nut tack welded and painted.

                  Pete Reeves. ~860

