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1915 11F - Painted or Plated

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  • 1915 11F - Painted or Plated

    Finally getting to the point of cosmetics on my '15 (it's a late bike - SN 15XXX) project and making piles for paint and nickel plating. Have talked to several folks about finishes but not getting consistent answers on a few parts, so thought I'd ask here.

    Rear Brake Drum - pretty sure it should be painted, but at least one person who should know says plated...
    Rear Brake Backing Plate - variety of opinions...
    Rear Brake Stay Frame Clamp - pretty sure it should be plated
    Rear Primary Cover Frame Clamp/Brace - pretty sure it should be plated
    Front Portion of Seat "T" and Clamping Hardware - pretty sure plated but seen this assembly painted both black and the color of the bike...

    So far, that's it, but there may be more as I make more big parts into little parts - LOL!

    Chuck S.

  • #2
    original paint pics help

    1915 HD Gliders.jpg 1915 Gliders 2.jpg HD '15 left side.jpg HD 1915 right side.jpg


    • #3
      The bike in the top 2 pics was owned by a friend of mine.Low mileage original paint late '15...Indications of late15: angled supports at rear of luggage rack,cylinders have rectangle area around intake valve set screw,the last 700-800 have '16 style rear axle plates.Both of these bikes have '15 style axle plates..There is a 2 page pic of the right side in Todd Rafferty's book,Harley Davidson The Ultimate Machine.The bottom 2 pics show later style luggage rack & earlier style cylinders with arched area around set screws. [ Not the same as '16 style arched ] You can see in these pics,the brake drum & backing plate are painted, the brake stay clamp is nickel plate & so is the clamp at rear of primary...If you are not on the Facebook page Model J/JD Harley Davidson,I suggest you join that group & search the 1915 info.
      Last edited by duffeycycles; 11-14-2024, 11:53 AM.


      • #4
        Always great information, and observations, Roger. You were a big help to me when I was collecting parts for my 1916F. . . Not that I would have turned down '15 parts, but I definitely didn't want to mix in '17 and later parts.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #5
          Duffey (Richard?),
          EXACTLY the info that I needed!! Can't thank you enough! As for the Facebook group, I'm just not a Facebook guy, so I'll have to pass...
          Really appreciated!
          Chuck S.


          • #6
            Chuck, It would be easier than showing you the things I already posted on FB, like shift tower parts & finish,1915 only footboard studs
            Roger Duffey


            • #7
              Thought I had a lead on an original 11F nearby that I might be able to look at, but, unfortunately, that fell through. The last bit of finish identification I need now is the shift tower linkage (as you suggested above!). Thinking on my '15 that it was all painted including the bracket that holds it to the frame and mounts the toolbox... Any way I could say please enough to get you to post the info you have here on the forum : ) Appreciated!
              Chuck S.


              • #8
                The lever at top & the shift gate at bottom are nickel plate.The rest is painted, Light Grey not dark grey ! .Germans would probably call it Grau-Blau. The part of the bracket that bolts to the tool box should have 2 holes,no slot.Late 1915 parts shown on left in my pics.The tower pic credit goes to Todd Rafferty.

                275916174_3173585726220598_7204320395274112806_n.jpg 136044473_2858511204394720_1720786262589635681_n.jpg 136695136_2859946997584474_8788563048392801722_n.jpg
                Last edited by duffeycycles; 12-01-2024, 11:00 AM.


                • #9
                  REALLY can't thank you enough for the quick reply!! Super helpful! Looks like I have all the right parts, now just need to get them finished correctly. Really appreciate your help!
                  Chuck S.

