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1912 Harley-Davidson - Spark plugs

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  • 1912 Harley-Davidson - Spark plugs

    What brand of spark plugs were used in a 1912 Harley-Davidson when it was new?

  • #2
    Talbot 2.....I have a copy of original 1912 single booklet. It shows a picture of the motor with a pyramid shaped, six sided, Splitdorf plug. This would be the green glass one. I managed to trade for one last year......Rod


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. Which one of the 1912 H-D booklets do you find the photo with the spark plug? Also, what have you used for replacement handgrips. Were the original handgrips about 4 3/4" with open ends? Or did they use the "rough rider" style grips?


      • #4
        The booklet is just named "The Harley Davidson". It's 7 x 10 1/2" It is a model introduction booklet. I got it from a vendor at wauseon, but I don't know his name. Perhaps someone on the forum would know who it is.
        The grips are the open ended ones with a nickel plated
        handle bar end nut. I bought mine at Wauseon swap meet a few years ago from a vendor called Fox Grip. If you have trouble locating them, I might have a catalog from them ...Rod


        • #5
          The book is in our club library. It is a free download for members.
          Be sure to visit;

          Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
          Also be sure to visit


          • #6
            Thanks Chris, I haven't looked in the library in a while. That is'nt the booklet that I have, but is a good one, I downloded it. The first picture seems to have a Splitdorf plug in it, but all other photos have what appear to be round plugs. I suppose they had a variety available.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rod K View Post
              . . . I suppose they had a variety available.
              Here is a site that shows many of the old Spark Plugs. ...bill
              Bill Gilbert in Oregon


              • #8
                H-D brochure & Handgrips

                Originally posted by Rod K View Post
                The booklet is just named "The Harley Davidson". It's 7 x 10 1/2" It is a model introduction booklet. I got it from a vendor at wauseon, but I don't know his name. Perhaps someone on the forum would know who it is.
                The grips are the open ended ones with a nickel plated
                handle bar end nut. I bought mine at Wauseon swap meet a few years ago from a vendor called Fox Grip. If you have trouble locating them, I might have a catalog from them ...Rod
                Rod K

                I purchased an original (1912) "The Harley-Davidson" booklet within the last year, but really couldn't identify the brand of sparkplugs from the booklet.

                Just received a pair of 1912 H-D handgrips from Fox Grips. Gary Fox passed away within the last year and his wife is continuing the sale of vintage handgrips. The H-D handgrips are not listed in their catalog, so I sent photo of my originals. Work out good.

                Thanks for the suggestions.


                • #9
                  Talbot-2.....Glad to hear you got the grips. My 12 single is still under construction, but I hope to need a belt for it in the next year. Any ideas on where to get a belt? Do they have to be shortened, or are they pretty stable? Any info is appreciated....Rod


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rod K View Post
                    Talbot-2.....Glad to hear you got the grips. My 12 single is still under construction, but I hope to need a belt for it in the next year. Any ideas on where to get a belt? Do they have to be shortened, or are they pretty stable? Any info is appreciated....Rod
                    Rod K

                    I've done some research for the possibility of replacing the belt on my H-D. I talked to Competition Distributing within the last year and they said that they no longer stock the belts. However, things change and you might check with them first.

                    Two other possibilities that I found last year are:

                    John Knox at Just north of Chicago - I talked to him and he noted that he could make a belt.

                    "Endless Leather Belts" - S. R. Sikes Co. Minneapolis, MN, 952-931-9905. They also said that they could make a belt.

                    I replaced the original belt in 1968 and rode the cycle in parades and antique vehicle functions until 1978. I stored it until I retired a few years ago. Currently, the belt needs to be shortened since it has stretched over time. Planning on having that done within the next month.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the leads...I'll follow through on them..... I understand the Matt Smith also has
                      belts available, going to talk to him at Davenport...Rod

