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VL Crash Bars

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  • VL Crash Bars

    I am looking for info on the two types of front crash bars for VL. I can't find any listings in the Harley spare parts book, am I missing something? Thanks for any help.
    Kyle Oanes AMCA # 3046

  • #2
    Hey Kyle,
    What are you looking for? The crashbars appear in the accessory catalogs, although there is not a lot of description or photos. I can look them up for you.
    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


    • #3
      If it is photos you need the 32V I am trying to sell has fronts and rear bars on it and I can send photos. 46EL


      • #4
        Thanks guys. What I am trying to figure out is correct fitment for the two distinctly different styles of front crash bar. They are the same until you get to the bottom where the bar is fastened to the cross shaft. One type has flat 90 degree approach, while the other has a half circle loop. I have both types, but I am trying to finish up my 36VLH and as both need work, I'd like to put my efforts in the right one. I'll try to take a couple of pictures as my description isn't much help.
        Kyle Oanes AMCA # 3046


        • #5
          VL crash bars

          I have 3 VL's but only 2 with crash bars. 1-33 VLD and 1-36 VLH. Both have the half loop that you describe. Both are all original parts bikes, but restored machines. I am the 4th owner on the 33 of which 3 were of the same immediate family and was untouched until the guy I bought it from restored it. All he did was take it apart and mechanically rebuild the engine and tranny and cosmetically(repainted,replated) restored it. My VLH was an all original parts bikes as well and as far as I know am the 4th owner of it also. Like I say both bikes have the loop back at the bottom of the crash bars so pending further evidence to the contrary I would say that is the correct fitment.
          AMCA # 12766


          • #6
            Rollo, could you post a picture of yours? Thanks!
            Bob Selph
            1933VC/1934LT Sidecar
            1940 Sport Scout


            • #7
              Looking at the depictions in the accessory catalogs:
              In '33 which was the first year they appear, they appear as having a tight bend and fit close to the front of the floorboards. Sort of like stock 45 crashbars.
              In '36, they show a large radius loop on the bottom and sweep around the floorboards.
              The '34 catalog shows as '33, the '35 shows as '36.
              Also, The new model intro in the January '36 Motorcyclist shows a police bike with a front crashbar and it has a large sweeping radius as well.
              Hope this helps
              Robbie Knight Amca #2736


              • #8
                Thank you Robbie, Rollo and 46EL. Robbie I think you have it figured out. With any luck I'll put up a picture of the two types together. The early one is wider at 29 3/4"', the late one is 27" wide. The early bar has a patent # on the clamp bracket, 1941801. The early one was unbolted from my 34VLD, purchased from the original owner in 1982 and I assumed it was correct. I really appreciate the help here, good VL info has always been hard to come by.
                Attached Files
                Kyle Oanes AMCA # 3046


                • #9
                  VL crash bars

                  I will try ( I'm tech savy challenged, really a Luddite at heart) to post pics when the weather here cooperates. Been raining for 5 days now! One thing I did notice when looking at my 33 and 36 which both have the loop at the bottom was that they extend out past the outside edge of the footboards. This would sure help keep you from loosing any more skin or boot leather if and when you did go down. I wonder if the RL and DL crash bars were different from the VL ones or if they only offered one for all models. I have no accesory catalogues for this time frame. Good luck on the 36 and let's all keep those trusty VL's going down the road out there!
                  AMCA # 12766


                  • #10
                    Hi Kyle, and the 1932 accessory catalog gives two part numbers for the VL safety guard: 13015-X for solo bikes and 13018-30 for sidecar twins. They soon rationalised this so the loopy one was used for all bikes. So I guess the one without the tight bends at the bottom should be used on early bikes and not late ones, although it's hard to see the judges deducting points.

                    As to the rear safety guard, I suspect it was introduced in 1935 along with the one for the small twin, which actually carries a -35 part number, because it is so similar. This would explain why this part is much harder to find than the front one, and not seen in early accessory catalogs or on early unmolested bikes.


                    • #11
                      The '32 catalog actually only shows two numbers for the "New" safety guards, one for all 30 and later 74 twins and one for 45. The '34 catalog is the only one that mentions the -30 number and lists it as a "special" version to be able to install and remove the sidecar without having to remove the safety guard. That number does not appear in earlier or subsequent catalogs, so how special was it?
                      Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                      • #12
                        Hi Rub and it's the 1932 spring and summer accessories catalog which gives only one part number for the VL safety guard. The 'Complete 1932 accessory catalog for dealers only' is the source of the two part numbers I mentioned early. What were Harley doing that year?

                        Interesting that the same 1932 catalog announces the new ride control which fits all 1931-33 twins and C singles, and all 1930 models equipped with a single headlight. Sounds like the 1930 twin headlamps were already being replaced by calendar year 1932.


                        • #13
                          Thanks Steve,
                          Interesting information. So depending on which catalog you had, dealer or consumer, and which printing, apparently the info changed. Crazy way to do things but not surprising at the time. Perhaps with the poor economy catalogs were printed in short runs based on demand?
                          And the headlight info is interesting as well.
                          Robbie Knight Amca #2736

