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1935 VLD motor sprocket

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  • 1935 VLD motor sprocket

    Hi, To all I am fairly new here and appreciate all the great information that is shared in this community . I want to run a 25 tooth motor sprocket with a 29 tooth trans sprocket for better cruising speed but I am having difficulty finding a 25 tooth motor sprocket and was wondering if a 24 with 29 combo would lend to a 60 to 70 cruising speed. any info greatly appreciated .

  • #2
    The 25 tooth sprockets are out there so keep trying. I made a batch of 27 tooth sprockets for my 103 mph 1934 racer, and others, and that is seriously tall gearing with a three speed gearbox. If you have paved roads and no mountains you should be fine.


    • #3
      Thanks, Steve I will keep looking . You brought up a point, I do live in the mountains . were you speaking of the 25 also as being to tall ?


      • #4
        I think Eastern Motorcycle Parts sell the 24 & 25 tooth engine sprockets.


        • #5
          Thanks I will check it out .


          • #6
            It's personal taste and depending on bike state of tune and your weight, hills etc. All the countershaft sprockets are 27 tooth, and all the rear ones 51 tooth, so changing the front sprocket is really your only choice. Harley Shop Dopes show the 25 t front sprocket for racing and high speed running with a well tuned motor. Today we have better fuel but probably weigh more than the 150 pounds for which the seats were adjusted. I enjoyed 70 mph in second gear on my '34 bobber with the 27 tooth sprocket, but you really feel the gap between second and third gears, it's harder to pull away around town, and you need a 92 link primary chain instead of 90. I'd buy the 24 and 25 tooth sprockets and see what suits you. For info, I found 21 teeth the best for quarter miling. Have fun!


            • #7
              Thanks , Steve for the input .I think that is a good idea . I just found a 25 tooth on eBay, now there is a supply if anyone else is looking .


              • #8
                I run a 25 on my VD. No problem at all and no need to change down with decent hills. If you have corners below 40 kph just stay in 2nd. I can pull 20 kph to 80-85 kph in second without over revving which make it very enjoyable on mountain roads with switch backs.


                • #9
                  Thanks , Mate ( I always wanted to say that ) I really appreciate the info I will give it a go and try the 25, being able to pull a hill is important ,as the riding terrain is diverse . I live on the edge of the Colorado plateau in Arizona we have some good grades as well as long flat desert basins . I could be in the pines with snow and 50 miles later in 85 + deg. Fahrenheit . Makes for fun riding experiences . Also being able to go at higher cruising speeds is equally as important to keep up with modern traffic and not get run over by future Nascar Champions

