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***ISO: 1946 Harley Davidson Flathead***

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  • ***ISO: 1946 Harley Davidson Flathead***

    I am In Search Of this beautiful 1946 Harley:
    This was my fathers bike and would have been sold in Western Missouri (Pleasant Hill, Raytown Area) between 1984-1985. I have been looking for this bike for several years now with no luck. Please contact me if you have any ideas to locate it or know of anyone I should contact. Thank you for any help you can provide.46_HD.jpg


  • #2
    Run a check with the DMV if you can locate its Serial Number. Perhaps an old reistration or insurance document. Look in his tax returns for vehicle registration.
    Be sure to visit;
    Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
    Also be sure to visit


    • #3
      Chris is right, my sister works for the DMV and if I give her a vin she can run it down if it is still registered


      • #4
        Too bad the license plate is not on the bike. Then you could go in the DMV archive file and come up with all the rest of the important info. Most DMV's if you go to them today will only search current registrations. You usually have to submit a special request to go into archive files. I used to be able to search anybody's registrations but now Wisconsin at least restricts me to my own vehicles and sometimes they do not even like that.



        • #5
          You can't research other owners bikes in Iowa either...legally dangerous for thieves to find vehicles they want


          • #6
            We have contacted the DMV in Missouri and they can't give us much information at all. We are still looking for the bill of sale from when he had to sell it. If we don't have any luck by the end of 2014, I think I am going to try and build a replica. It is such a needle in a hay stack to find this exact one. Worth a shot though!

