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Foot clutch pedal tension

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  • Foot clutch pedal tension

    Just how much tension do you have on your foot pedal for your clutch? I had mine on my VL tight enough to hold the pedal back... but then for "fun" I loosened it and then it would just rock forward all by itself which makes it nice when riding. BUT, I didn't care for that so I put it back to the slight tension to hold it back. I do not have a habit of sitting at a stop sign or light with the bike in gear. What I do is; as I am rolling up to a light or stop sign, I put the bike into neutral so I have at least one foot to put down on the road when I am stopped. Then, just before I am ready to go, I put it in gear. I never "sit" with the bike in gear. When the pedal was "loosened" I just felt it wasn't a good idea in case my foot "slipped" off the pedal the bike would take off. OR, if I were making a very sharp turn such as a U-Turn... I didn't feel it was as easy as it was when it was tighter.

    So... what do you do? Is there an "official" H-D setting/recommendation? Just wondering...

    AMCA #6520

  • #2
    ...also hoping for a reply...
    Rich Inmate #7084


    • #3
      I don't think there is any official Harley advice. I ride with a slack clutch pedal spring for quarter miling and general riding out of town. Many people ride with the tension enough to hold the pedal where it is if your foot slips off. It comes down to personal preference and your local traffic conditions.


      • #4
        Mine are set so that it holds in any position. I generally don't take my foot off with the bike in gear, and also 'coast' into stop lights and signs. But I like the 'set it and forget it' ability to disengage and have it stay there. I have a JD manual and if I remember, later will look and see if HD specified a setting. I don't think they did.

        Does anyone else, during winter storage, block their clutches? ie. engage the clutch, separate the disks so they cannot seize over the winter?




        • #5
          Originally posted by sirhrmechanic View Post
          Mine are set so that it holds in any position. I generally don't take my foot off with the bike in gear, and also 'coast' into stop lights and signs. But I like the 'set it and forget it' ability to disengage and have it stay there. I have a JD manual and if I remember, later will look and see if HD specified a setting. I don't think they did.

          Does anyone else, during winter storage, block their clutches? ie. engage the clutch, separate the disks so they cannot seize over the winter?



          I never thought to "block the clutch" to separate the discs. I never had a problem with them sticking either.... (oh no.... why did I say that?)

          AMCA #6520


          • #6

            Never had it happed on an HD... but have had it happen on tractors and on old cars. Ounce of prevention. Obviously, not an option for hydraulic clutches. But I leave mine open in the winter on old bikes. May not be needed, but doesn't hurt.



