Does anyone know what year this Pope single motorcycle is? According to information that I have been able to find, Pope started making motorcycles in 1911. There are no numbers to be found on the motor. Any suggestions, photos, etc., would be appreciated.
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19?? Pope motorcycle motor
I'm going to guess you've got a pretty early motor there. Pope had quite a few names under it's umbrella prior to the 1911 date that you have referenced. Rambler, Imperial, Crescent and Columbia were all names that were under the shadow of Pope. I'm sure there were more but that's all I can think of off hand. Before I throw a date out there I'll have to do some research. I'm sure there's a member or two on this forum that may be able to give you a year but they must not have seen your post yet. That's a great piece thanks for sharing the pics!
Here's a link to what the fella mentions to be an '11 The powerplant in this machine appears to be different than yours. I've got a feeling your motor is a little older.......No guarantees though........ I'm no expert..........
Last edited by c.o.; 12-30-2009, 01:24 AM.Cory Othen
I can't get to my books without waking up the household so here's a little inspiration for you to hold you over......... Othen
i believe the first picture shows the early version of this engine ,and the second picture shows the later version of the engine. it looks like you have the later version. probably 1905, give or take a year. i built one of these a few years back ,and was able to buy a raw carb casting from bruce lindsday.he would probably be the one to talk to about this project as he has one.these machines a pretty rare ,and well worth the effort to resurrect.especially with a good chunk of the frame there too. what are your plans for it?
You've hit the nail on the head. I've had this motor since the early 1970's and was always mistified by the crank hanger located in front of the engine instead of behind like most early cycles. But it appears that this motor is before "early". It still turns over just fine and has good compression. Sadly, what you see is what I have....just the motor fastened in the bottom part of a frame. Someone cut the motor and what you see out of the frame. What book is the photo from?
Thank you so much for your sleuthing.