Attached is an original photo of Perry Mack sitting in a cyclecar type vehicle circa 1906 to 1914. According to Perry's son the man in the back seat is the father of "the" Davidson brothers. I have showed this photo to the Davdison family including Jean and Michael. They do not think it is the father. My question is what year was the photo taken and are there any suspension parts from a Model T? I have a 1914 diary of Perry's that records parts bought to make a cyclecar. This diary could refer to the attached cyclecar or the 1914 Steco cyclecar which used a version of Perry's Mack motor. The attached cyclecar clearly shows a radiator which suggests a water-cooled motor. According to a Mack biography Perry was involved in automotive work between 1906 and 1909. Unknown if this is true! I also have original photographs of the Steco Cyclecar with the hand written notoation on the front "Built by P.E. Mack 1909". I don't believe this to be true either! Once again it is hard to sort out the real truth that was written years ago. Can anybody help me?