I have a few questions that perhaps might best be addressed by someone with judging experience. I am in possesion of a mid 70s FLH that I would like to present as an unrestored orignal when it makes the 35 year requirement. Looking over the judging rules it seems that riding your machine to the event is encouraged and I am sure that many of us are still riding these 70s models. One of my questions is ,how does the judging team address the replacement of items of safety which surely should have been changed out prior to the 35 year mark i.e. tires,brake pads,rubber brake hoses,neck bearings & cups? Additionaly ;if I chose to do a top end, can I repaint the eng. cylinders to prevent the further corrosion of my cast iron? Would the ongoing maintenance of a roadworthy orignal machine force me to do a full blown restoration in which I have no intrest ?
