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Judging clarifications

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  • #31
    Having no choice, apparently he's fled from the field.
    Three months, four or five, the membership of the AMCA is well-tired of hearing your vicious vitriol, Robin. If only we could count on hearing it no more, but I'm not counting on it. You've stated your intentions to bring the AMCA as it exists to ruin by sewing discontent with the BoD in every way you can. I can only hope that you abandon your beknighted quest, before you find the BoD declines to accept your membership renewal check.
    Perhaps now we can get back to our real passion: antique motorcycles, building them and riding them, and yes, bringing them out and judging them against subjective, humanly-flawed, standards.
    The founders and the honorary members who have passed on would be pleased that their legacy isn't further stained by infighting and name-calling that's suddenly colored almost every club undertaking. I hope, with your cooperation, Robin, and Kevin, we can carry on in the amity that had distinguished the Antique Motorcycle Club up until this year. There is plenty of room for everyone under the tent of the finest antique motorcycle organization in the world.
    Gerry Lyons #607


    • #32
      I really don't know much about this, and the other problems/changes in this "club", but I couldn't find my membership card yesterday, and I really didn't care all that much. I think that maybe this judging conflict is just a cover for the real problem here. Maybe the club has just gotten too big for it's own britches, and needs to go down a notch or two, to see what it is really all about. I do know one thing: My oldest bike is 1965, and there are a lot of people in the club who don't even think I belong because my bike is not a certain age or marque. I just like to ride, go to a meet now and then, fix up some old parts, help other riders, and have fun. If this is not what it is about in the AaMCA, then I am in the wrong club. That said, I do understand, and appreciate the historical aspect of some of the old bikes, and the more exacting the better for those. Anything else is just a bike, and that is good enough for me. Oops, the sun is out. Gotta go oil the chain on the '72 and go get some "s"'miles on it.


      • #33
        Your point of view is pertinent, and greatly appreciated, Mike!

        I couldn't have defined 'apathy' for this discussion any better!

        Sincere thanks,

        AMCA #776
        Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


        • #34
          Just one more post on this, Robin, at this point. I really have to comment on this:
          Originally posted by Robin-M View Post
          You keep saying that I am taking this so personal and that I am wrong in that I should bow down and help the people that attacked me and fired me. So in other words what you're saying, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States should have bowed down and left them take over and we should not have fought back.
          You really don't get it, Robin, and your own words here are proof. You equate in your mind the Antique Motorcycle Club's seated and certified Board of Directors with the Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbor! You could have said anything, but you chose to characterize the proper leadership of the club with a cabal of some of the worst enemies ever faced by our ancestors, some of whom are still alive. That is truly telling, to me, how your mind works; I pity you. The alternative that I suggested to you would have been to show a little bit of maturity in a stressful situation, and help in the new direction, but that is obviously far beyond your comprehension.
          You are definitely in the wrong club, Robin, if the legally-installed leadership is, to you, a gang of sworn enemies that you are doing all you can to bring down, and you don't care if you pull the entire club down with!

          We'll see what happens after Davenport's board meeting and elections. --Robin
          PS - Eustis was 3-1/2 months ago, not 5 months ago
          That we will, Robin. That we will. You even have me looking forward to it, now, but certainly not for the same reasons you are.
          BTW, you're right. It was only 3-1/2 months ago that you embarked on your campaign of destruction of the club. It only seems like so long ago because it's already gone on so long. My apologies!
          You have only been bent upon the destruction of our club as we know it, and its resurrection in your own image, for about 3-1/2 months. It just seems like so much longer!
          I will be so gratified when you are either victorious in your self-declared war upon the entire Board of Directors, or fail and resign in disgust, or are thrown out. Peace and amity may then, finally, ensue in the Antique Motorcycle Club. You will resign from the club and just "go away" when you don't get your way, won't you? Please?
          Last edited by Sargehere; 06-17-2010, 12:27 PM.
          Gerry Lyons #607


          • #35
            When does he start shouting "Off with their heads! Off with their heads! The second act?

            I have never been introduced to Mr. Markey face to face,
            but considering how irrationally Mr. Lyons attacked myself upon this forum,
            my sympathy for his cause is growing;

            Even though I think the whole system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

            AMCA #776
            Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


            • #36
              I wasn't pointing the finger at any one person I was addressing my comment to all those participating.
              If the cap fits, wear it.
              Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
              A.M.C.A. # 2777
              Palmerston North, New Zealand.


              • #37
                Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
                I have never been introduced to Mr. Markey face to face,
                but considering how irrationally Mr. Lyons attacked myself upon this forum,
                my sympathy for his cause is growing;
                Even though I think the whole system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
                You mean this "irrationality," Tom?
                I calls um like I sees um. And if the shoe fits, Tom... That was mild; very mild. Just be careful picking sides, Tom, that you're not casting your lot with a hopeless cause, is all.

                (no offense intended, BTW, Tommo. It's just that when I see words like "tirade," "name calling" and "character assassination" following one of my carefully measured posts, I might take it to be a generalization that doesn't reflect the language actually expressed).
                Gerry Lyons #607


                • #38
                  This is too easy:

                  "(YOU'RE about as "outsider" as I yam, Tom, making your living having parts on almost every bike in the club), "

                  Geez I forgot all about all the Beezers, BMWs, Triumphs, Hondas, Kawasakis, etc. etc, that I never worked on.
                  I'm not even a parts retailer.
                  (Liberty only sells parts associated with our services.)

                  What planet is this guy on, and why has he such tunnel vision?
                  The AMCA is bigger than his little world.
                  (Who is the real "rolling cannon"? Doh!)

                  I am not, nor have I ever been, part of the Judging system.

                  We need more distractions like Mr. Markey, and fewer that just like to read their own posts.

                  AMCA #776
                  Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
                    This is too easy:

                    "(YOU'RE about as "outsider" as I yam, Tom, making your living having parts on almost every bike in the club), "

                    Geez I forgot all about all the Beezers, BMWs, Triumphs, Hondas, Kawasakis, etc. etc, that I never worked on.
                    Yeah, cuz they're such a LARGE part of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America!
                    I'm not even a parts retailer.
                    (Liberty only sells parts associated with our services.)
                    Obviously, "too easy" is too hard for you, Tom. You're wasting you breath, or keystrokes, with your imperfect references.

                    What planet is this guy on, and why has he such tunnel vision?
                    The AMCA is bigger than his little world.
                    (Who is the real "rolling cannon"? Doh!)
                    And misquotes of titles. And all to hear yourself talk / read what you wrote and elicit a response, even if only an unflattering one like this one.

                    I am not, nor have I ever been, part of the Judging system.
                    I can only say that you sure have gone WAYYY out of your way to insert yourself into this ongoing discussion of judging in here, Tom! You're certainly part of the judging system, now!
                    We need more distractions like Mr. Markey, and fewer that just like to read their own posts.
                    Cotten, you, along with Markey, are poster boys for the cause of dismantling the internet. You contributions are almost all mindless drivel.
                    Last edited by Sargehere; 06-17-2010, 04:48 PM.
                    Gerry Lyons #607


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sargehere View Post
                      Cotten, you, along with Markey, are poster boys for the cause of dismantling the internet. You contributions are almost all mindless drivel.
                      As if learning that Al Gore invented the Internet wasn't a shock, finding out that just Robin and I, who have never even met, could dismantle it is the ultimate mindblower.

                      Good to know the Judging system is in such capable hands!

                      Liberty Motorcycle Specialties, Inc.
                      118 N. Washington St.
                      Lacon IL 61540 USA

                      PS: I guess 'irrational' just wasn't the right word.

                      Originally Posted by T. Cotten
                      This is too easy:

                      "(YOU'RE about as "outsider" as I yam, Tom, making your living having parts on almost every bike in the club), "

                      Geez I forgot all about all the Beezers, BMWs, Triumphs, Hondas, Kawasakis, etc. etc, that I never worked on.
                      Yeah, cuz they're such a LARGE part of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America!
                      I'm not even a parts retailer.
                      (Liberty only sells parts associated with our services.)
                      Obviously, "too easy" is too hard for you, Tom. You're wasting you breath, or keystrokes, with your imperfect references.

                      What planet is this guy on, and why has he such tunnel vision?
                      The AMCA is bigger than his little world.
                      (Who is the real "rolling cannon"? Doh!)
                      And misquotes of titles. And all to hear yourself talk / read what you wrote and elicit a response, even if only an unflattering one like this one.

                      I am not, nor have I ever been, part of the Judging system.
                      I can only say that you sure have gone WAYYY out of your way to insert yourself into this ongoing discussion of judging in here, Tom! You're certainly part of the judging system, now![/quote]
                      We need more distractions like Mr. Markey, and fewer that just like to read their own posts.
                      Cotten, you, along with Markey, are poster boys for the cause of dismantling the internet. You contributions are almost all mindless drivel.
                      AMCA #776
                      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by exeric View Post
                        There's nothing new about this problem. I had those experience with my '17 and '19 Hendersons and my '16 Excelsior. No matter how big the meet is, you will not always have marque experts for the unusual bikes.
                        Yes, but did they make an announcement over the pa system basically begging for anyone to step in? That's the way it sounded. And we are talking about 60's Triumphs and BSAs, not the much rarer machines you mention. I don't know what kind of planning goes into arranging for all the judges and so forth as I have never participated on that side. But at the very least it could have been dealt with much more discretely. Especially at such a large meet.
                        Last edited by bmh; 06-17-2010, 07:47 PM.
                        Brian Howard AMCA#5866


                        • #42
                          Is this Jerry guy on the BoD payroll?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Sargehere View Post
                            BTW, you're right. It was only 3-1/2 months ago that you embarked on your campaign of destruction of the club. It only seems like so long ago because it's already gone on so long. My apologies!
                            3 1/2 months seems like a long time to you, how about the 5 months beginning in October, with over 400 emails that Robin and I had to deal with. all because 1 person did not like the fact that we overturned a judgement made by a friend of his, when the owner provided the required documentation.
                            if you have so much time on your hands I could forward ALL the emails to you, so you could find out what the truth REALLY IS.
                            Kevin Valentine 13
                            EX-Chief Judge


                            • #44
                              You just have to forward me one post, webmaster. Or just restore it to this thread. It is the one, originally numbered around 12, that you, or someone with your access to this web forum, removed from this thread that was posted by your friend Robin at 9:12 am on June 16, 2010. It was posted all night, Kevin, until you pulled it early yesterday morning at around dawn. Just after I made reference to it in my own response to his childish name-calling campaign. The post just "disappeared," gone, with no evidence that it ever existed. That's frightening, that a disgruntled former officer of the club has such power over the forum to censor anything he wants to,with impugnity.

                              I read that post, repeatedly, and in it, Robin (further revealing himself to be the loose cannon that he's become), called your legally-appointed replacements as Chief Judge and Assistant Chief Judge "unknowledgeable apprentices." That was just after he had called their judging administration a "mickey mouse regime" at 8:40 am in post #11 of this thread, that you haven't yet censored.

                              I don't know if you ever read the chilling book "1984," by Alduous Huxley (1949) or know that in that book, the main character, Winston Smith's, job was to erase history that was not in vogue with the party line at the particular time, and to make everything sound like it was always that way. Big Brother's official party slogan was, "He who controls the past controls the future".

                              That is genuinely frightening, Kevin. And that way, that changing of reality so that someone is not made to look the fool he is, is way out of bounds for this club. Kevin; we don't need someone using such a power to go removing uncomplimentary insults that Robin keeps posting to keep him from looking as unhinged as he really is. And this is what we could expect for the club if time ever marched backwards and you and Robin ever held office in this club again.
                              Gerry Lyons #607


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Sargehere View Post
                                You just have to forward me one post, webmaster. Or just restore it to this thread. It is the one, originally numbered around 12, that you, or someone with your access to this web forum, removed from this thread that was posted by your friend Robin at 9:12 am on June 16, 2010. It was posted all night, Kevin, until you pulled it early yesterday morning at around dawn. Just after I made reference to it in my own response to his childish name-calling campaign. The post just "disappeared," gone, with no evidence that it ever existed. That's frightening, that a disgruntled former officer of the club has such power over the forum to censor anything he wants to,with impugnity.

                                I read that post, repeatedly, and in it, Robin (further revealing himself to be the loose cannon that he's become), called your legally-appointed replacements as Chief Judge and Assistant Chief Judge "unknowledgeable apprentices." That was just after he had called their judging administration a "mickey mouse regime" at 8:40 am in post #11 of this thread, that you haven't yet censored.

                                I don't know if you ever read the chilling book "1984," by Alduous Huxley (1949) or know that in that book, the main character, Winston Smith's, job was to erase history that was not in vogue with the party line at the particular time, and to make everything sound like it was always that way. Big Brother's official party slogan was, "He who controls the past controls the future".

                                That is genuinely frightening, Kevin. And that way, that changing of reality so that someone is not made to look the fool he is, is way out of bounds for this club. Kevin; we don't need someone using such a power to go removing uncomplimentary insults that Robin keeps posting to keep him from looking as unhinged as he really is. And this is what we could expect for the club if time ever marched backwards and you and Robin ever held office in this club again.
                                again you speak without knowing anything, I HAVE NOT removed any posts. I do not beleive in censorship. I do not know what your problem is and don't really care, but people like you that talk without knowing are the real problem.
                                a few weeks ago you posted, that there were other forums that are SO MUCH BETTER then this one. why don't you go to them and post your garbage, and leave us alone.
                                Kevin Valentine 13
                                EX-Chief Judge

