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Save Our Judging

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  • #31
    Whoa fellas,
    If I've used the wrong words in trying to describe the club situation I'm sorry and the last thing I want to start here is a political arguement.
    Sorry if I caused any offence.
    Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
    A.M.C.A. # 2777
    Palmerston North, New Zealand.


    • #32
      Dear Kevin, thanks for your reassurance on the question about protests.

      Dear Tommo, no Director has been removed from the Board recently. I'm working to improve communication in our Club, but usually speak for myself rather than the whole Board. I've tried to answer questions about 'Your AMCA Board' under the Parking Lot Chatter section on this Website. A financial statement is being printed in the next Club magazine, and each Chapter has had a named Director as contact point for the last year or so. The Board has also produced a summary briefing note within a few days of each Board meeting for the last year. Change is slow in any 50 year old organisation with 10,000+ members, but your Board will listen to suggestions for further improvements. These will carry more weight if coming through a Chapter, so I recommend everyone join one, or try to form a new one if there is not a Chapter close to you. Best regards.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
        Change is slow in any 50 year old organization with 10,000+ members, but your Board will listen to suggestions for further improvements. These will carry more weight if coming through a Chapter, so I recommend everyone join one, or try to form a new one if there is not a Chapter close to you. Best regards.

        This is total BULL Shi% why Should we have to join a chapter to carry more weight , we are all ready members of the AMCA that should be all it takes.
        Jeff Bowles
        Membership # 14023
        1957 Sportster


        • #34
          We are seeing OUR Democarcy working here dont slice hairs ! Tommo "we the people" of the AMCA WILL prevail! One man can not and will not take over the CLUB unless "WE" allow it ! IM betting on whats RIGHT will win out !! I myself would like to hear from someone other than Mr Slocombe explain why two very hard working members were forced to take the stand they have to,why they should have to defend themselves here every other day! Mr President my views of you are changing FAST!!! If a petetion does circulate please make sure we all get to sign it !


          • #35
            Originally posted by joestuff View Post
            Paps, I digress, but I will comment. Democracy is the art of living on a slippery slope, and only leads in a particular direction when moderates stop fighting the extremes. Our system has been subverted by party(BOTH) and cooperate interests because WE let it. In a Democracy, it's OUR fault. At present I have no comment on how this statement is related to the AMCA.
            There is a US Army handbook printed around 1911. The definition of both forms are in it. I wish I could remember the actual mil spec number on the handbook. It was issued out to all enlistees upon entering the Army. I didn't wish to place politics into the thread. I just wanted to make a correction. "quote" I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States Of America and to the "Republic" [ not democracy ] for which it stands, one Nation...etc.., etc..
            Last edited by Paps; 05-02-2010, 07:22 AM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
              Dear Kevin, thanks for your reassurance on the question about protests.

              Dear Tommo, no Director has been removed from the Board recently. I'm working to improve communication in our Club, but usually speak for myself rather than the whole Board. I've tried to answer questions about 'Your AMCA Board' under the Parking Lot Chatter section on this Website. A financial statement is being printed in the next Club magazine, and each Chapter has had a named Director as contact point for the last year or so. The Board has also produced a summary briefing note within a few days of each Board meeting for the last year. Change is slow in any 50 year old organisation with 10,000+ members, but your Board will listen to suggestions for further improvements. These will carry more weight if coming through a Chapter, so I recommend everyone join one, or try to form a new one if there is not a Chapter close to you. Best regards.
              See....that is the problem we face here in the states. It wasn't like this a century ago. Each individual voted his / her choices, be it the representative or issue. What has put a damper on our system is exactly what you suggest, which is basically join a party to sway positions and issues. Not wishing to refer back to politics, I see I have no choice but to, in order to elaborate on your comment. Presently here in the states, two parties rule the people. The peoples so called representation is cemented in to two party mindsets. What the party wants, the party gets. Participation by a local chapter should be only to collect and gather individual votes, not chapter votes.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Paps View Post
                Presently here in the states, two parties rule the people. The peoples so called representation is cemented in to two party mindsets. What the party wants, the party gets.
                Agreed to be the problem in the US presently.

                As for the AMCA, the reason organizations push for more openness and transparency is to avoid disputes about the motivations for changes, and to assure that the entire organization understands the meanings of changes.

                That is where the whole judging thing got mess up, IMHO, in that there was not majority agreement that a problem existed(from members at large, not the board), that the rules where changed abruptly without due notification, and the members question the motivations of the changes. Arguably, if the members knew what the board knew, they would have made the same decisions.

                I do fell that Steve S. is getting slammed a bit hard on this thread un-justly. He is the only board member actively participating in these threads. Lets not beat him up too baddly for being the one that wants to at talk with us about the issues.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by joestuff View Post
                  I do fell that Steve S. is getting slammed a bit hard on this thread un-justly. He is the only board member actively participating in these threads. Lets not beat him up too baddly for being the one that wants to at talk with us about the issues.
                  I think if you look carefully at this issue you will see where Steve Slocombe is to one who started all this BS. This man is influencing Rocky. It was Steve who took it upon himself to restructure our time proven judging system to fit his own wants and needs.
                  I would hate to find myself in his shoes. Imagine walking around at a meet not knowing exactly when and where some disgruntled member will have a serious heart to heart talk with him.
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                  • #39
                    Originally posted by kval View Post
                    Steve Slocombe
                    I have remained silent during all this garbage, but now it is time as you have again mentioned my name in your posting.
                    “Perhaps I can say a few words about my take on judging developments, as you have again mentioned my name in your posting.”

                    “First the Judging Committee is the same one you and Kevin worked with, with the addition of me. All the important issues go to a vote, and I'm just one among ten.”
                    The judging committee Robin and I worked with is not the one you are talking about.The one you refer to is the one you started in October without presidential or board approval and when the president took this new committee over in November you hand picked at least 5 of the members. I received an email from the president stating “join in or I will replace you” this was followed up with an email to Robin stating “if Kevin does not join in you will be the first one I come to”

                    "The placards, Tee shirts, and protests through shills are unbecoming to someone of your skills and knowledge."
                    The Tee shirts that seem to bother you so much, are a tribute to 911, there are many Americans still upset about that attack on our soil. I for one will continue to wear and display items to remember this.
                    As for protests through shills, neither Robin nor I have asked any member to
                    A: not have their bike judged
                    B: not to help with judging
                    C: talk to board members about their displeasure about these latest events.

                    The membership is just plain tired of all this and that is why one member started the petition asking for open elections of the board. Many members stated to me “none of this would have happened if we had open elections”
                    Steve S.
                    I saw your reply to this post. nice try, but you seem to have not answered the major points of it. like why did you feel the need to form a new committee? why were the two people that have done the most for the judging replaced? and the part that hit me the hardest, why such a big change in the rules without notifying the members? this really hurt me because I have bikes with race history, but they cannot be judged anymore because the original racer made modifications to be more competitive


                    • #40
                      I know Steve Slocombe to be a tireless worker for the AMCA. . . Just as I have seen the dedication and willing donation of time given by Kevin and Robin. These are good people and great servants of the AMCA.

                      Let's say this as a rumor, or fabricated story to spare the club any additional liability. The rumor is; the AMCA was sued by a poor sport because his bike did not fare well in judging. Like any litigation in America, anybody can sue anybody for anything. From what we have all seen in newspapers and t.v. many of these bizzare lawsuit end in cash awards or settlements. The AMCA must have been wide open for this because that is the reason for implementing the disclaimer that bike owners have to sign to participate in judging. . . . If you know who the poor sport is, you can blame him. The other insignifigant rule changes are there to protect the AMCA from future poor sports. It's a pity that a hobby oriented club has to have lawyers and formal disclaimers to have a simple bike show, but here we are. That's life in America these days.

                      This conflict in the judging arena is embarrassing, and bad for the AMCA and should not be allowed to poison the membership any longer. Steve, Robin, and Kevin are good people that have helped a lot of us with our bikes. I think the BOD needs to have a summit meeting with all involved and get this dirty thing solved.

                      And Chris Haynes, I don't have the words to express the contempt I have for your vile comments.
                      Last edited by exeric; 05-02-2010, 12:46 PM.
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #41
                        Very well put Eric.
                        Thank you. RF.


                        • #42

                          It sounds good what you said, but if you read my earlier posts I will say it again, the control that Steve Slocombe has on the board and with RedFred and with Rocky and it's hard to say who else, doesn't seem to be able to be stopped by the board. You are really correct about the embarrasement. I've spent better than half my life trying to improve the judging system as historically correct as humanly possible. To have so much history being disgraced and erased from a handful of people that forcefully took charge to change the rules because they don't understand how to judge them and they don't feel they're part of motorcycling history. It's disheartening and embarrasing. As long as they're in charge, it will continue to be embarrasing and will discredit the AMCA.

                          Who are you going to believe and trust, someone that's devoted almost all thier life to motorcycling and understands all the different aspects of what we're dealing with here and how it will affect our club, the membership, motorcycles and motorcycling history OR those that haven't.

                          Please read the "Hostile Takeover" thread if you haven't already, it explains this in more detail.

                          The president and the board still have the option to correct this embarrasing situation before it destroys the club.

                          There's a lot more of our membership that feels the way you do Chris, thanks for stepping forward and sharing your knowledge and common sense.

                          Robin Markey


                          • #43
                            CHRIS There have been times were you and I have disagreed,But I take my hat off to you for standing up for what is RIGHT!!! And I for one think Mr Slocombe will most likely hear from more than one member on this issue! After all there are still lots of Bikers in the club !


                            • #44
                              Reasoning for a judging disclaimer was brought up once again. I personally could live with one if it was not the machine owner which was targeted. A disclaimer can be a simple statement to the affect the club does not make and warranty, expressed nor implied, to judgment / point accurracy. A machine owner signature would verify the owner read that statement. Simple.....I the undersigned fully understand the AMCA does not warrant our jugment scoring to be completely accurate. Period. Nothing more is needed for legal protection.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by exeric View Post
                                And Chris Haynes, I don't have the words to express the contempt I have for your vile comments.
                                Coming from you that is a compliment.
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