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Color of Base Coat/Undercoat for Metallic Congo Green

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  • Color of Base Coat/Undercoat for Metallic Congo Green

    Hello.....Can anyone tell me the base coat or undercoat color for metallic congo green? I was thinking it was oxide red, although I don't know that for certain, so was hoping one you guys might have used that color and would know the correct color. Thanks much for any help.

  • #2
    I never got an answer, Clanky,...

    When I asked upon what kind of paper I should apply Congo Green samples for scanning.

    So good luck!

    AMCA #776
    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


    • #3
      I just made a reply to your question on a previous post, Tom. Sorry for the delay. In regard to Clanky's question; I assumed H-D used a 'Bonderize' process under their paint for production painting, and red oxide primer for replacement fenders.
      Eric Smith
      AMCA #886


      • #4
        Hey Cotten....I don't know, that is why I was asking about the color of the base coat. I would think the final color coat would look different having white under it as opposed to red oxide or another color, so a scan would be different as well.


        • #5
          exeric....when you say "Bonderize", like a skim coat? Must be a light color then. Since the metallic congo green is dark, it may not be that big of an issue. I've read here on the forum about other guys painting and not being happy with the results because of the base coat color, trying to avoid that.


          • #6
            H-D phosphate coating.jpg H-D phosphate coating 2.jpg
            Robbie Knight Amca #2736

