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Gas Tank Sealing prior to Painting

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  • Gas Tank Sealing prior to Painting

    I am in the process of restoring a 46 knucklehead and am getting ready to clean and seal my tanks. I have heard bad things about Kreem tank sealer. It supposedly gets shrink cracks etc... Does anyone have any suggestions on which tank sealer they have used and liked? I will be doing this soon and am looking at my options. Thanks in advance for any assistance.


  • #2
    Gas Tank Sealer

    Hi Jim,

    We have had good success with the POR-15 tank sealing system. POR-15 advertises a variety of products monthly in Hemmings Motor News in the supplies and parts or section or you can look them up on the web. Part 1 called Marine Clean is safe and biodegradable. Part 2, the tank prep and Part 3 the sealer are non-carsinogenic. Be careful of the Marine Clean if you are sealing a painted tank as it can remove the finish, especially old original paint. They sell a motorcycle kit but it is much more economical if you by the kit for an automobile tank. You can do multiple tanks cheaper and it keeps well if it is properly resealed.

    Regards, Steve

