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new paint

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  • new paint

    I having an awful problem with paint chipping around fasteners when I tighten them down.

    Are there any tricks?

    Am I using the wrong kind of paint and if so what kind of should I use?

  • #2
    I use two coats Deltron, DAU Acrylic Urethane (# 9850) [H-D Vivid Black], over two coats of Deltron DP-90 (Black) Primer on my frames and the same application for the tinware. I use one coat of PPG DCU 2020 (clear-coat) over everything to protect the finish from gasoline spills. The paint uses a catalyst, so I let the parts dry for a week before assembly. I used PPG's "Concept 2000" instead of PPG Deltron on my first "Replicator" Pan and found out that the "Concept" paint was an extremely "hard" paint when cured. It would pop paint chips when I tightened fasteners. Deltron DP-90 primer; Deltron Acrylic Urethane (top coat); and DCU 2020 (clear-coat), does the job.


    • #3
      PPG DCC (Color Concept)

      This paint will chip before it is fullly cured. Blake used this paint (PPG's top of their $75.00 a quart) and reported that the paint, once cured for a month or so, is more like powder coating than paint and is very durable. He highly recommends DCC. Both DCC and Deltron are forgiving. DP-90 primer is so forgiving, that it's dangerous because you can get "lost" in the painting process, it gets that "good to you"; loading it up on parts and not having it run.'s another Zen experience...95% preparation...5% execution...enough to send you into a state of a..."Ar-Ar-Ar-(Tim the tool man) outburst.
      The spray pattern for frame rails is side to bottom, (other) side to top. Follow the directions on the spec sheet exactly and you won't have a problem. Anyone... that can balance a motorcycle... can paint.

