Ok...I am building a 1932 Harley VL and my plans are to document the build as best as possible, I am also doing it on Classic American Iron and will copy it all here, hopefully get more feedback to help me with the build. I may bounce around a bit because lack of funds or bored working on any particular part. I'm going to try to be as specific as possible but will probably fail at that also. I bought this bike as you see it in the photo at Jefferson in the fall of 2016. So far I have mostly torn things apart and cleaned up and have not had much time to work on it since I got it and cash was tied up. Keep in mind that at any time someone wants to buy this pile of parts make me an offer, I'll sell anything, except my soul. Short history on me...I have been building cars most of my life but my first ride was a 73 Yamaha 175 endure, bought new and I progressed from there, Triumph hardtail bobber, 4WD's, VW's Camaro's and Vette's from the 50's and 6o's then on to traditional hot rods but I always liked bikes. Anyway here is what I have so far including my 47 WL if the pictures post...be back soon I hope.