Two days to fabricate, fit and mount the seat is to much time. The seat mounting post strap required a lot of work to produce. Overall the project came out nice. I like this seat, it leaves a confident felling of handling without the swaying left to right as did the previous seat.
The 13 should be ready for its test run tomorrow. If the weather holds out, a trip is planed to run at a remote location for final tuning in preparation for Barber.
I am itching to get back to the Twin, frame components are ready for brazing and Tony (welder) is on stand by.
The 13 should be ready for its test run tomorrow. If the weather holds out, a trip is planed to run at a remote location for final tuning in preparation for Barber.
I am itching to get back to the Twin, frame components are ready for brazing and Tony (welder) is on stand by.