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Who made this

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  • Who made this

    This came with a bike I just bought. No Name or model number .Does any body know who made it?
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  • #2
    Cycle Electric OHIO


    • #3
      Originally posted by grease monkey View Post
      Cycle Electric OHIO
      I doubt it, Grease Monkey...

      Compare to CE endmounts on fleabay, and there are obvious differences.

      The pulley raises questions as to application.

      Hope its an Indian!

      Last edited by T. Cotten; 07-13-2024, 02:55 PM.
      AMCA #776
      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


      • #4
        Ted's Cycle V twin has sold units that resemble that one...


        • #5
          Originally posted by dukekleman View Post
          Ted's Cycle V twin has sold units that resemble that one...
          That doesn't mean its all bad, Duke!

          First thing I would inspect is to see if the ugly end-mount regulator is integral like CE's, or a bolt-on.

          Then I'd try to figure out what the pulley is for; Is there splines,.. or a taper beneath it?

          Looks like a Delco design to me (most HDs), but somebody with electron knowledge must tell you how to determine its voltage, etc.

          Last edited by T. Cotten; 07-16-2024, 05:53 AM.
          AMCA #776
          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


          • #6
            Sorry for the confusion The pully is one i use to fit over the original gear so my auto elec can put it in his test bench It has a Harley gear under it .I do not thinks its a cycle elec as it has no brand name any were.


            • #7
              Cycle electric typically has their brand on it.
              I think it's a v twin offering.


              • #8
                Duke you are correct I did some searches & its definitely a V twin article thanks for all the help


                • #9
                  Happy to help.

                  Duke Kleman

