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  • Rectifier

    Years ago when my '68 shovel was up and running, I noticed that at night the "gen" light on the dash would glow dimly, reducing to almost out depending on whether I was using the spots, or the hi-beam, or increasing in speed. I remember talking to a service tech about it, and he recommended installing a diode in the generator circuit. Here it is some years later, and I have an original part, #74569-65, and on the package it says rectifier. Anybody have the low-down on this part, and where in the wiring scheme it needs to be installed? I remember buying a diode back in the day, and I soldered it in-line on the wire that went to the field side of the generator, but it escapes me now if that solved the problem. Any info would help.

  • #2
    Some of the latter Xl's have one in the harness, like 1979 or so, I do not have a XL manual anymore but it might be some where to start.

