Greetings just joined your club this past weekend while at the Mecum auction in Vegas. Did not purchase anything this year, wanted to see were pricing was at and meet with others. I know the club was developed and revolves more around the American brands, but I see this changing more as time goes on and with newer younger members not being able to afford the older machines, or as many of the older ones can not be found any longer. I believe the Japanese and later European bikes will be the up and coming niche. Most of these have been destroyed and left to rot as the old Hd's and Indians were. People are finding new interest in them, they are still affordable and they grew up with them. I appreciate and enjoy all motorcycles, just that it seems life has pushed me more towards the Japanese side over the years.
I am hoping they can get a chapter organized here and I would like to get some of my bikes into the judging system the club has. Most of all it would be nice to be able to meet or make some new friends in the world of vintage motorcycles. Rich
I am hoping they can get a chapter organized here and I would like to get some of my bikes into the judging system the club has. Most of all it would be nice to be able to meet or make some new friends in the world of vintage motorcycles. Rich