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Is this forum fair to Businesses ?

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  • #16
    My personal feeling about this "Vendor Rated" catagory on our forum is; get rid of it. I think this is a bad catagory. Like Tom Cotton said, it's not fair to let customers rate businesses and not vice/versa. I will not comment on this current imbroglio other than to say that I have done business with Heilman Saddles and have been pleased with their work. This is not to say that some things may not have gone right for the customer involved. . . That's between he and H.S.

    I don't think that our club should be party to airing a dispute usless our club is willing to go all out to resolve that dispute. Obviously, our president Rocky doesn't want to put any money into this forum to make something like that possible so getting back to my intitial recommendation. . . . . Let's get rid of this catagory.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #17
      Originally posted by exeric View Post
      I don't think that our club should be party to airing a dispute usless our club is willing to go all out to resolve that dispute.
      this is probaly the best advice I have read here including my own comments. mmoore


      • #18
        As a vendor who has enjoyed positive responses on this section of the forum, let me stand up to dismiss it as doing more harm than good.

        It is inherently unfair.

        (Sorry to post twice; I should have expressed this the first time.)
        AMCA #776
        Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


        • #19
          I agree with those that say get rid of it. This seat business is a perfect example of a internet forum watching a couple of fellas battle it out with very different opinions. The only thing I can see coming of this is ill feelings and possibly no solution whatsoever. In this hobby good work is heard about through word of mouth as is bad. I'm sure most anyone that's been in it for any length of time knows if there's folks to avoid. If it's a critical job, and you don't know all the players in the game then you better make sure you do your research and ask around. If you happen to want a less than stellar job from a reputable craftsman, then I guess you shouldn't be surprised when you get a less than stellar result. Just my two cents........
          Cory Othen


          • #20
            Larry notes in the beginning of the thread that Heilman's is not getting credit for what is done right, so I will re-post what I said on another very similar thread:


            Speaking from my own personal experience, I will relay the following comments:

            1> The fellow doing the restoration of my '41 EL repeatedly insisted that the saddle be re-covered by Heilman's. I had seen a number of saddles for pre-war knuckleheads that Heilman had re-covered for him and I did as instructed. I was told to specify the tan leather and black rivets. The pan was in excellent condition and we had it powdercoated.

            2> I sent the pan to Heilman's as requested and with those instructions. I received a telephone call from Larry and we discussed the rivets and leather color choice. Larry mentioned that there was some "back-and-forth" in the Harley community about the exact shade of the tan and we both noted that there is not in existence a virgin leather item from that era that has not weathered or aged, so it boiled down to satisfying my specifications.

            3> As we agreed, Larry sent me a letter containing two samples of leather material, marked accordingly. I replied back to him, specifying the tan as noted in the sample.

            4> I received my seat, well-packed. The leather choice matched the sample sent, black rivets were used and the workmanship was quite nice.

            5> In short, I am a satisfied customer of Heilman's.

            This is not in any way meant to disparage Dewey's comments as he certainly has legitimate complaints that should be resolved to both Larry's and Dewey's satisifaction. I also realize that Dewey's saddle is more complicated to re-do. However, based on my experience with my saddle, I would have no problem recommending his work.

            That is the full content of my other post, but I would add the following:

            It was noted by another that the rivets should have been "shiny" (nickel-plated) and I do appreciate that being pointed out to me. However, Larry noted this to me when we began discussing him recovering the seat, but it was I who chose to use the black rivets, so in that case as far as correctness go, that is my bad (which I don't care one way or another since the bike will not be judged).

            I will repeat, I am a satisfied customer of Heilman's.

            Lonnie C.
            Lonnie Campbell #9908
            South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

            Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

            Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


            • #21
              The Heilmans have always given me what I want,a quality job at a fair price and nothing less!
              that being said I dont think everyone can be 100% satisfied all the time,Ive noticed alot of Bitchin by a few people in all the forums as sad as it is I dont think closing the forum would be a good Idea! Do we need moderators? that may help! Half of what I read here I take with a grain of salt!
              Larry I say focus on what you and your DAD have done so well. making seats,they(the seats) will take care of the nay-sayers

