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  • #16
    Dale, the picture I posted of the PowerPlus has an ABC generator. It is mounted to the front downtube, by the front cylinder. They used a round leather belt to connect to a pully on the motor sprocket shaft (by the girl's forearm). There were 2 types of ABC gens.; a battery model, and a non battery model. Generally, a headlight and tail light were all they could handle.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #17
      Tom, I'm already having fun with it! Looking at it, talking about it, and especially learning about it. Eric, that's an interesting alternative. Was that an aftermarket accessory for someone who wanted to add lights? I have heard that the Mag-Dynos are getting pretty hard to find and the prices are a bit salty. Dale


      • #18
        Dale, my Powerplus research is pretty much narrowed down to 1916 but wouldn't a Dixie mag also be an option?
        Cory Othen


        • #19

          You just want to avoid wearing baggy pants when you ride.
          Eric Smith
          AMCA #886


          • #20
            Cory, from what I understand, that is correct. The Dixie came on 17s and the Splitdorf Mag-Dynamo was used with the electrical system as a way to charge the battery. Mine has the battery box, fuse block, wires and horn/light but is missing the taillight and ammeter (I believe they came with). The mag on the bike now is a Bosch ZEV with 45c stamped on the arm which I think meant it is for a Harley (anyone?). It has obviously been on the bike a long time by the build up of "patina" (crud). I was reading some of your older posts on the Powerplus motor teardown. Good stuff! '16 and '17s had several chassis changes but the motors should be fairly close, right? Eric also has a pretty cool setup, too. I've never seen that, but being new to antiques, there's lots I've never seen.


            • #21
              Dale! Of course... battery powered lights! I wasn't thinking clearly when I mentioned the Dixie. I've never looked at a '16 and '17 engine side by side but I think you are correct in thinking that they are basically the same.
              Cory Othen

