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Are Antique Bikes Next?

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  • Are Antique Bikes Next?

    This would affect many of us with old iron no matter how many wheels it has

    Senator Eyes Collector Cars as Revenue Source
    New York Times article Mar.28, 2011

    Auto Enthusiasts who dodge taxes are in Schumer's crosshairs

    Washington, D.C. - AP. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) held a press
    conference today in the Capitol's rotunda and stated that he is in the
    process of drafting a bill that will create a federal tax on all
    collector, antique, historic, special interest, hot rods and race cars.
    "This country is operating at a huge budget deficit," said Senator
    Schumer, "thanks to the previous administration's failure to seek new
    sources of revenue. We can no longer continue to just raise the taxes we
    already have. We are reaching the point of diminishing returns. We must
    find new sources of revenue. "There are more than one million collector
    cars in this country,"said Schumer, "and many of them are unregistered
    and untaxed. These vehicles represent sometimes sizeable assets which
    often appreciate from sale to sale. Much of these capital gains remain
    untaxed. It's about time these collectors—all of whom are rich—begin to
    pay their fair share. I've never heard of a poor person owning a
    Corvette, Ferrari, Deusenberg or Cobra." Citing the results of this
    year's automobile auctions in Scottsdale, Arizona as an example,where
    reported sales were in the tens of millions of dollars, Schumer said,
    "We're not talking about rusty old clunkers, here. Some of these cars
    represent the pinnacle of automotive history. Collectors who buy and
    sell them often do so privately. Some transactions are in cash and
    others include trades. All of these are under the Internal Revenue
    Service's radar. Well, that will soon end."Each state has different laws
    and requirements for collector cars. Those which tax them as personal
    property often use outdated values. An owner can pay taxes on a car the
    state determines is worth $5,000 and then turn around and sell it for
    $100,000 or more. Until now, all of this has been the purview of each
    state. Schumer's law will sidestep all state laws by levying a federal
    tax in addition to anything the individual states do. This new federal
    tax will be similar to the present federal tax on gasoline, which is in
    addition to whatever a state assesses. Part of the Schumer law includes
    the IRS opening up a special department to deal with collector cars.
    Values will be calculated annually and owners will be required to list
    all cars they own on their 1040 tax form. Because not all vehicles are
    registered, and thus may not be known to the individual states' motor
    vehicles departments—especially race cars which are not driven on public
    roads—the IRS will make use of the existing network of individual
    collector car enthusiast organizations across the country. Many of these
    car clubs maintain accurate registries which detail each car by its
    vehicle identification number and present or last known owner and their
    location. Assembling an all-inclusive federal database in conjunction
    with these registries will be one of the first steps in implementing the
    new law. Once the database of owners is cross-referenced with an annual
    index of current collector car values, every collector or race car in
    the country can be taxed at a fair rate. Initially, Schumer says, it
    will be 10% but that would rise depending on the type of car, number
    produced and condition. "Collectors are willing to pay more for certain
    cars," said Schumer, "because of their history or the small number that
    were produced. These factors increase a vehicle's worth to buyers, so
    why should these cars not be taxed at a higher rate? It's no different
    than our current progressive income tax rate." It is estimated that an
    annual 10% tax on all collector cars presently owned by American
    taxpayers—at their prevailing market value—would be more than
    $250,000,000. In four years the coffers of the federal government could
    be fattened by a billion dollars. "That's only a conservative estimate,"
    said Schumer. "Nobody knows exactly how many collector cars are out
    there. But by this time next year, WE will know. Owners of these cars
    will finally have to pay up.Their free ride—on the backs of the poor—is

  • #2
    If we could tax the all the Bull $hit this Jack A$$ and his fellow legislators spew, there would be no deficit! That is untill they waste the newly created revenue stream, the more $ they get, the more they waste! Sorry, I could rant all day about jerks like this.
    Doug McLaughlin #6607
    NorCal, USA


    • #3
      On Monday, The SEMA Action Network issued a letter to its members informing them of an April fools prank gone wrong. According to the hoax, tax legislation was being prepared by New York Senator Charles Schumer, which would tax every collector car, antique, hot rod, and race car in the country. Bottom line, it's just not true.

      This April fools prank first appeared in an announcement made by the Shelby American Automobile Club (SAAC). It contained stories about a perpetual motion '68 Shelby, a '69 GT350 that supposedly got 40 miles per gallon, and a bogus front page recreation of the New York Times, dated March 28th, that had two stories. One was a hoax about purported tax legislation being prepared by Sen. Charles Schumer.

      However, such a plan by the current administration would not surprise any one of us.
      Last edited by talbot-2; 04-05-2011, 04:47 PM.


      • #4
        Doug, Schumer is nothing but a pure socialist at heart. He's helping out that dumb ass looser of a President we have to no end. Neither will be happy until America is reduced to a third world nation. Personally, I think old Chucky boy would look good at a Sunday afternoon lynching providing that he's the one in the noose!
        AMCA #3149


        • #5
          SEMA Action Network Members:

          Some of you may have received notice of an alleged New York Times article indicating that legislation was being drafted in the U.S. Congress to create a federal tax on collector cars. Hopefully, most of you know by now that the article was an April Fools Day prank. The author has indicated his regrets for any confusion or embarrassment to automobile collectors and enthusiasts caused by the prank. Below, we have included the full text of his letter revealing the hoax.

          Please contact me if I can be of additional assistance.

          Steve McDonald

          Vice President, Government Affairs

          Specialty Equipment Market Association


          The Shelby American Automobile Clubs annual April Fools gag reached a much wider audience that anyone could have predicted. Initially a four-page newsletter was emailed to every member. It contained stories about a perpetual motion 68 Shelby, a 69 GT350 that supposedly got 40 miles per gallon and a bogus front page recreation of the New York Times, dated March 28th, that had two stories. One was a hoax about purported tax legislation being prepared by Sen. Charles Schumer, which would tax every collector car, antique, hot rod and race car in the country. This was, of course, concocted out of thin air. But it was, on the surface, believable and it hit numerous hot buttons of car owners.

          As soon as some SAAC members read this they immediately went into full Paul Revere mode, posting the article on a wide variety of Internet car forums. Once on those forums, readers swarmed like angry killer bees, both posting angry comments about the unfairness of the concept and spreading parts and pieces of the original article in emails and postings. It was the classic definition of something going viral.

          When readers on some forums recognized the whole thing as an April Fools joke and posted this, other readers seemed to look right past the warnings. We now know how Orson Wells must have felt after his 1938 War of the Worlds radio broadcast resulted in traffic jams as panicked people tried to flee New Jersey.

          While we enjoy a good April Fools prank as much as anyone, we never envisioned that this one could spread so quickly or so widely beyond the Shelby American Automobile Club. We deeply regret if taking this story seriously has caused anyone any undue distress or embarrassment. To keep more of that from happening we would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this message to as many car enthusiasts as possible. If they forward it to others who can forward it to even more people, maybe this second message will catch up with and overpower the first one.

          And finally, please do not contact Senator Schumers office. He already has his hands full with real issues of importance.

          Best regards,

          Rick Kopec

          Shelby American Automobile Club


          • #6
            April fools or not. I still want the hanging!
            AMCA #3149


            • #7
              Originally posted by talbot-2 View Post
              ...April fools prank... about purported tax legislation being prepared by Sen. Charles Schumer.
              However, such a plan by the current administration would not surprise any one of us.
              Well, That got the 'Ol blood pressure up! As a gun owner I'm familiar with this Schumer character. Him and his type fear an armed populous.
              Doug (back to 120over60)
              Doug McLaughlin #6607
              NorCal, USA


              • #8
                Many a true word/deed is originally spoken in jest
                Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
                A.M.C.A. # 2777
                Palmerston North, New Zealand.


                • #9
                  What makes so believable is that it's something Schumer would pull. Hands down!
                  AMCA #3149


                  • #10
                    This joke will only give aholes like Schumer ideas.


                    • #11
                      Had me going... since this covers my entire customer base. Thanks, guys, for both posting it and debunking it. I was able to send to my clients w. a "it was just an April Fools Joke" introduction.

                      Thanks and cheers,


                      PS. Schumer is an A**hat. Just my $0.02.


                      • #12
                        Actions such as this are what prompts me to Support HVA & FIVA. These are the sanctioned bodies that are fighting for our vintage vehicle rights. The HVA is the Historic Vehicle Association, as presented via Hagerty insurance.
                        In my own trade of electrical construction, I see the manufacturing industry pushing to outlaw dated electrical devices and fixtures, all under the guise of being "green", when in reality, it is just an incentive to buy their new, tacky, disposable products. They are forming sanctioning bodies to govern over this stuff. Just think if Detroit starts to do this, and they find it in every tree huggers best interest to get rid of our gross polluters that don't run on their more-expensive-to-produce ethanol.
                        Scary times, RF.


                        • #13
                          AS I New Yorker, I would expect nothing less of Chuckie Shcumer.....
                          These guys in this state are looking to gert their hands into as many pockets as possible, even as the state senate continues to be a shrine to the corrupt and incompetent.

                          By the way: Where is the most dangerous place in New York ??? - anywhere between Senator Chuckie Schumer and a TV camera....
                          Last edited by billpedalino; 04-06-2011, 08:15 PM.
                          Bill Pedalino
                          Huntington, New York
                          AMCA 6755


                          • #14
                            AAAND, I agree with Bob Luland completely......
                            Bill Pedalino
                            Huntington, New York
                            AMCA 6755


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bill Pedalino View Post
                              AS I New Yorker, I would expect nothing less of Chuckie Shcumer.....
                              These guys in this state are looking to gert their hands into as many pockets as possible, even as the state senate continues to be a shrine to the corrupt and incompetent.

                              By the way: Where is the most dangerous place in New York ??? - anywhere between Senator Chuckie Schumer and a TV camera....
                              As a kid growing up in the Southern Tier, I have many not-so-fond memories of Rockefeller- especially since my dad was a NY State Police BCI Investigator, and happened to be working out of Batavia, the local barracks that 'ol Nelson left hanging out to dry during the Attica Prison Riot, and left it all up to the local guys- my dad was the guy firing teargas out of the helicopter before the assault. Rockefeller and Pelosi would have made a good pair...

