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Indian rider toolkit pictures needed

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  • Indian rider toolkit pictures needed

    I need pictures of the tools included in an original Indian tool roll or tool kit including the bag for the 1930-1939 period. I am trying to research the tools for an article on Indian toolkits. As usual, there is next to nothing from the factory and no pictures of the tools from this period. Thanks! Marty

  • #2
    There is a new book up for bid by the author on eBay titled "Indian, Motorcycle Toolbox, Wrenches" by Joe Kontos. Just search eBay on the words "indian wrench". Might be a good source for your article.


    • #3
      WOW! thanks! Just ordered the book! Never heard about it! I am trying to put some tool kits together, and there are next to nothing out there for the 30's describing or showing pictures of tools for the tool kits!


      • #4
        Looks like Joe beat ya to it Marty! Wow is right!


        • #5
          Fred, and am I ever glad! Takes the pressure off that project and will let me move on with other stuff. I'm hoping he has part numbers to help identify stuff as well. I am trying for the impossible, and that is a toolkit for each bike as well as ownder's manual, parts manual, advertising brochure, and took kit [remember, I have a concours mentality here]. I am actually pretty far along, but some of the tools I'm just not sure of. Maybe Joe's book will clear it up.


          • #6
            Well, I guess there is still work to do. Joe wrote a great book showing Indian tools. He did not, however, indicate tools specifically used in tool boxes during the rigid years, and not all the tools were pictures; primarily just different wrenches. So, still need pictures of specifically the tools and bag for the rigid years, please!


            • #7
              What years are the "rigid years"?


              • #8
                Marty, Did you see this? It was on eBay. I couldn't afford it, but I saved the pictures. A must for the Police bike.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Here's another good one.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Bill, no, I didn't see this. Sometimes ebay items do not come up on my browser. No rhyme or reason. Would love that stuff since i have a police bike although from a later period than that style emergency kit usually is seen with. That kit could mount on later style racks, but was not seen all the way to the end. Neat stuff!
                    The tools for the 32-39 period are virtually undocumented. Pictures do not have part numbers even when showing tools. Later 40 and up a no brainer, as the pictures are good and the tools few and simple. The earlier kits had a lot in them in comparison. There is no definate info as to whether the Indian imprint stayed on wrenches after 1931-32 other than the monkey wrench. Someone has to have a relatively unmolested tool roll we can have pictures of!

