Well I finally made my my first Omaha Chapter Indoor Meet this weekend in Fremont Nebraska and it was great. It's a long haul from Canada . I have been to the biggest meets but the hospitality here was awesome. Met some old friends and met some new ones, even got a few motorsickle parts. Many of the folks were on our Buffalo Run in 91 and it was like old home week. They even made me a Knight of the Cotton Gloves. I'm still reeling from that honour. Rich Schultz and Landshark are good people. You too Phil. I was impressed the new National pres. and some of the other brass was there and they made their presence known. I appreciated that. Like General McAurther, I shall return.
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Omaha Chapter Indoor Meet... A Homerun !!
O.K. Ross where's the pics????Ain't it good to shake out the winter cob-webs with a swapmeet? So what kind of a rounder is that for you? About 20 hours or so? I'm hearing that a Wagner made an appearance and could be heard putt-putting..
Cory Othen
Gene's machine looks fantastic and sounds like it runs even better. The Excelsior fired right up but the fella with the 32 Chief next to him must have kicked 250 times before he gave up. My personal photographer (Wife) failed to get a picture of Gene's motorcycle, but in her defence there were gaukers standing in the way most of the time.Kyle Oanes AMCA # 3046
Indoor meet
Cory, I sent you a few pics and I must apologize as I don't take pictures. The super X was amazing and so was the Wagner. Howard Wagner joined me for dinner and sold me some parts. These are good people. The Pan was nice and I liked an early Indian. I may have got the rear wheel of the X. Guess you guys will have to make the trip with me next year as you can't count on me for pics as I spend to much time talking. I won't be missing anymore of this meet if I can help it.Ross
Hey Ross!!
and Siggi, you readin' this too?
Now when you start talking about people don't forget the Canucks! (somebody spell k-nooks) Ross didn't just bring Siggi and another passenger, he brought the past with them too: War stories of the 3 Amigo's, and they were good. I want some sequels, Ross, next year!
Must mention Gene Harper's slide show at the banquet. Gene, you're up at the top on my list now, great show, and narrative!
Anybody catch a glimpse of Rich Schultz's Monarch behind that beezer? Can't find words.
Talking with Scott Swaney after the banquet, about the things Omaha does that are different. First, in my book, is that this winter meet has always been a great refresher, charges the batteries, gets a guy thinking spring. It's invigorating. Second, it's indoors, small, keeps everybody together, and it's fun. Third, the banquet's on Friday night, judging on Saturday, and we can still get home in time for church!
I think that all AMC chapters should enjoy something like this meet. .. 'course, we are kinda special here, ...