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  • Jeff

    See the following video from 4:15 to end

    Jeff Decker has insulted the art of designing engineering and building safe, running, riding, attractive, durable antique motorcycles as junk meanwhile Jeff's industry, sitting on a shelf is called art. Screw Jeff's art, deflect Jeff's insults, lets ride, that is what it's all about not Jeff's personal view points or his static bronze expressions.

    As for Jeff's Cannonball bike built by daddy and others exculding himself, what did Jeff say about knowing your motorcycle prior to a major run? There was not a sole in the Cannonball ride that knew his or her motorcycle better than I or those who built their bikes from the ground up. Jeff either continue expressing your views and prove to everybody your ignorance of motorcycles and motorcycle people or stick to your art, temper your comments and learn how to work on your bike and respect those who can and do. Perhaps you will then have an appreciation for us bike builders whom make all this possible.

    Meanwhile I will continue building motorcycles and maybe splash some pretty paint on them occasionally.

    Last edited by Slojo; 12-10-2010, 10:22 AM.

  • #2
    Removed unnecessary third party colorfull comments.
    Last edited by Slojo; 12-10-2010, 06:13 AM.


    • #3
      Slojo said "Meanwhile I will continue building motorcycles and maybe splash some pretty paint on them occasionally". I for one joe certainally hope you do and continue to document your work on these pages. You sir are a brilliant man. Thank you for all you do.
      Pete Cole AMCA #14441
      1947 Indian Chief


      • #4
        I'll stay out of this, but it should get interesting.


        • #5
          Last edited by jurassic; 12-09-2010, 10:27 PM.


          • #6
            Hey Joe,

            I feel that personal attacks have no place on this forum and in our hobby. I read your post and watched Jeff's video. He did not personally attack you or anyone else. He stated his opinions and beliefs. You dont have to agree or like what he said. You are free to comment on them as is everyone else, however, I just don't see how this benefits anyone reading this forum or our sport/hobby of antique motorcycling. If you really have something to say about Jeff's comments why don't you give him a call or write him a letter and express your thoughts directly to him.

            I dont know Jeff but met him on the Cannonball and he seemed like a nice guy. He worked hard on the bike every night so he could continue to enjoy the event. He had many troubles with the bike but I never once saw him without a smile on his face.

            It really upsets me when I read negative posts and personal attacks here on the forum. If you dont have anything nice to say please dont say anything at all.

            Lastly, there is absolutely no need to comment on his religion or belief structure. That is truly uncalled for. Think whatever you want about anyone's religion, just keep it to yourself. I also believe that if you are going to personally attack someone on the internet have the guts to put your name next to your opinions.

            I dont agree or disagree with Jeff's comments. The Dude/Jeff Lebowski said it best when he said "That's just like your opinion, Man."

            Who cares what anyone thinks, builds or believes in. Cant we just ride motorcycles and have a good time being Enthusiasts?


            • #7
              I enjoyed meeting and speaking with Jeff at the cannonball he worked hard at keeping his bike in the running for that I respect him . This is not a personal attack against Jeff. I look at his view points as a direct insult to all of the riders in Cannonball who did not conform to his opinion of what a motorcycle should be that is all.

              Jeff's is and intelligent well spoken artist, his talents are second to none in his field. As a public figure he should learn respect for others work and not be insulting their art and talents. The only thing I did here is point out what he has said in his videos. I did not twist anything or insult him.

              Jeff I hope you can read my personal commentary and appreciate my honest viewpoint. I did not want to post the above article at all I just had to stand my ground in view of your carless opinions.



              • #8
                I did not realize that a good part of the Cannonball entrants were "cheaters"........
                47 WL
                51 Ls Sidecar
                03 FLHT


                • #9
                  While I admire anyone who pours heart and soul into their motorcycle; I have to agree with many of Jeff Decker's opinions about old motorcycles. . . . I would like to stress the word; opinion.
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886


                  • #10
                    Joe, don't take ( what i perceived to be) that off the cuff remark by Jeff to heart. After all there were quite a few riders who chose to go with modern rims and this was well known and discussed well before the race. You guys are both super talented in what you do and all of us are in awe of both your abilities. I enjoyed the videos, I had no idea Jeff had so many cool bikes etc and his artwork is superb. And Jeff, please don't call your old Harley a s**tbox, my 13's feelings were hurt! chill out guys, our little esoteric world is too small for any more animosity.


                    • #11
                      See the following video from time point 4:15 to end

                      This is where my issue with Jeff takes place. Remove this section from his clip and all is well.


                      • #12
                        In my opinion, right now the 40-50 of us who participated in the 1st Cannonball should be focused on putting a positive message out to the public and our club regarding the event. Lonnie and his team worked very hard to make sure we all had the times of our lives. All I can think about every day is having the opportunity to do it again. For that to happen Lonnie needs guys to sign up for the 2nd Cannonball and I dont want to hear that people were discouraged from doing so beacuse they heard about previous Cannonballers bickering with each other over who's bike was cooler, more original and so on. I was not a big fan of the overly modified bikes on the run but it was up to each rider to ride a bike he or she felt safe riding. I truly believe it is our duty as 1st generation Cannonballers to help Lonnie and his team succeed with his 2011 Cannonball Run. He gave us a reason to get these bikes back on the road where they belong. Now lets encourage our friends and fellow AMCA members to join in the fun.

                        Attached is a link to one of my videos I shot while riding my 1915 HD on the Cannonball Run.


                        This is what it's all about! I cant wait to see all of us out there doing it again. Thanks to Lonnie and his team for giving us all something to look foward to in 2011.


                        • #13
                          i gained a whole new respect for jeff this september. i saw this bike ,and it was a s**tbox. everything was original and well used. frame was bent ,tanks leaked ,back wheel was unbelievably bent.the clutch and pedal start system were hammered. motor was all wallowed out everywhere. it was endless. and this was 3 months before the event. i refused to work on it. told him it would take 30 grand and 6 months to make this thing roadworthy,and that he needed to find another bike. he pulled the motor and brought it to my dads, and they both rebuilt it together. we installed the new motor into the old, beat down ,bent up ,worn out chassis and put it on the starter rollers. it popped once. then we loaded it in his van and said good luck. i thought he was done for sure. but he worked on that bike more than any man should have to ,on thier knees with a flashlight. when the bike kicked him on day 3,and nearly broke his knee i was sure he would leave. the man couldn't walk ,but he rode. the more he rode the better it got. he aced the two long days. nearly 300 miles each. every night was a magneto rebuild ,and clutchs ,chains, gas lines,tank leaks, you name it. not to mention he was sleeping in his van . not alot of people would have the balls to try and ride a complete barn job across the country,and my hat is off to him. what he did was completly different than what joe did. both were incredible.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mr. Big View Post
                            I did not realize that a good part of the Cannonball entrants were "cheaters"........
                            I hardly feel that putting better brakes and safety equipment on a bike is cheating.
                            Be sure to visit;
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                            • #15
                              See the following video from time point 4:15 to end

                              You guys have this commentary all wrong, you don't get it. This is not about Cannonball or anything else it is about what Jeff has said about bikes and their builders. Watch the video again listen to his disrespect.... period. Jeff words have meanings and consequences do you stand by what you said?

