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it was harder getting out of town than riding the highway..

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  • #16
    You had me wondering. I had been working on the north end all week and the road was a sheet of ice!!! Anyway good on ya!!!

    Herb, there's proof in photographs of your winter riding so instead of wimpy we'll let you off with a "less inclined"....
    Cory Othen


    • #17
      saturday was chilly but not to bad in the afternoon,the sun made a short appearance and tricked your brain into making your hypothermic body say this is pretty nice...supposed to be back to 0 degrees by friday i hear..
      herb,sorry to hear about hal..i like to think those fellers though their not here thier tearing around on them two wheelers somewhere..
      i gotta thank cory for finding that book and scoring a copy for me(cheers amigo)never ever thought i would of had the chance to read it,it really draws the reader
      right in the middle of it all..
      cory when are ya gonna get that time machine workin???


      • #18
        Glad you dug the book Gary! I consumed my copy like a big ol' ice cream cone on a summer day! With relish!

        Ah, the time machine well it's still a lot of mixed up thoughts and formulas in my head. I've also gotta get my hair standing on end, score a Delorean, some plutonium and we should be good to go!
        Cory Othen


        • #19
          I thought you might get a kick out of this!!! My Swedish is non-existent but it looks like they were having fun!!! Cool bike eh?

          Last edited by c.o.; 01-11-2011, 10:46 PM.
          Cory Othen


          • #20
            that was cool cory,gonna have to strap the youngsters gt racer to the side of my 45" fire him on there for ballast and do a tour.....hmmmmm i smell smoke....


            • #21
              I figured you'd like that!!! Mmmm.... a GT on the flattie.... sounds fun!!! Be careful though, all the kids in the neighborhood will want a ride...
              Cory Othen

