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Our Earth....Who Got It Right ?

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  • Our Earth....Who Got It Right ?

    Scientific Evolution or Creation
    A Brief Summary With Illustration

    Illustration (1)
    In the beginning, God created the earth, per Biblical Scripture. Scientist claim there was a big bang. Though the Biblical account of creation and scientists disagree on creation, both science and Biblical Scripture agree there was one total land mass area and one total water mass area, know as Pangaea. According to the Biblical account, Adam and Eve were nude in the Garden Of Eden. I suggest the earth must have been quite warm for the very first humans to live in nudity. Biblical accounts also place Dinosaurs living in the same time realm as humans. Science places the creatures before mankind. How could mankind live in nudity and dwell with dinosaurs ? Would not the earths temperature need to be constant from north to south, east to west ? How could creationists explain such a theory, and still use scientific logic for such an explanation ? I submit Illustration (1) as such a logical explanation. you have to imagine with the current scientific explanation of creation, that... Earth....a planet with two rotational poles. One pole stretching north to south and the other pole stretching east to west. Earth...rotating on a north to south axis, bringing the suns light to bare, as it does from morning until dark, pretty much as it does to this day. But also imagine....Earth....rotating on an east to west axis, bringing the suns light to bare in a totally opposite direction around the circumference of the globe both north to south, as it does east to west. A two pole earth would furnish a perfect regulated temperature across every inch of the globe ! Sunlight would be distributed equally in all parts of the earth ! Result....regulated temperature ranging between 70 to 75 degrees F. With such a perfect regulated temperature atmosphere, rain and weather patterns would be non existent. Biblical accounts state God placed a rainbow in the sky as a promise to never totally flood the earth again. A rainbow, according to Biblical accounts did not exist before God’s promise. Why ?? A rainbow needs weather patterns and rain to exist. Thus the two pole earth theory continues. Summary....two pole earth, uniform temperature across the globe, one land mass, one water mass, and no weather patterns.

    Illustration (2)
    Illustration (2) represents a catastrophic event in earths history. Science claims the earth sustained an ice age. We, or most of us, were taught in school the dinosaur died from glacial ice age movement. We were taught the dinosaur stood fast, while eating grasses, while the ice age crept down upon them. We were also taught, in other scientific chapters how glaciers move only inches per year. Common sense tells me no dinosaur would wait around for a glacier to swallow him up. I submit the dinosaur died almost instantly from drowning. Creatures were drowned and buried beneath rapid flowing flood waters and silt the flooding waters caused from eroding the earths surface. But how did this catastrophic begin ? I submit...a heavenly body, possibly a large asteroid or a very a large meteorite, stuck the earth at an angle illustrated such as in in Illustration (2), by the illustrations arrow of impact. Such a catastrophic event would explain how the east to west rotational pole ended its existence. Using scientific logic and Biblical accounting, one would realize this removal of one pole rotation would take time. It would not stop immediately. It would slow before it stopped. What would be the consequences of such a change to earths original natural state ? While slowing the north to south rotation [ end of the east to west pole ], weather patterns would develop. The sun would shine her light on the equator more than any other place on the globe. The sun would no longer shine her light equally elsewhere. As the earth slowed in the disturbed pole rotation, The heat of the sun would evaporate water. The rising evaporated water would form weather [ non existent prior to this time ]. As Biblical accounts relate, it would rain. It would rain so furiously the earths surface, previously relatively level and barely above the waters surface, would be completely covered. As Biblical accounts state, Noah and his arc would be afloat. All life on earth which could not swim, would perish. But !!! There are more catastrophic events taking place beneath those flooding waters. Earths original natural state has been disrupted massively. The stoppage of one rotational pole has caused other extreme events to shake the earth. Centrifugal forces have been altered ! Earth is no longer balanced as it was. Under the flooding waters the land mass is being ripped apart. Continental size chunks are tearing away from Pangaea [ one land mass ] and pulling towards other parts of the globe. Heavier weather storms are created by the heating equator area of earth and erupt into more pouring rains. The ach floats along unsuspecting of what is taking place below the surface of the waters. As the equator heats up, the north and south poles cool down. Biblical accounts state the waters receded. What scientific explanation could explain such an accounting ? Answer....the equator is heating up. It is heating up to a temperature it has never know before. The north and south poles are cooling off. They are cooling off to sub zero temperatures. Also never experienced by earth previously. Heat evaporates water and drives the newly created evaporated water [ steam ] away. Sub zero temperatures draw water like a magnet [ever notice how much ice builds up on your refrigerator and freezer ? ]. Earth now has two massive gigantic freezers ! These two freezers are pulling hard at the globes excessive waters. Torrents of water are racing to both poles [ the north and the south poles ]. Torn away land masses are crashing into each other and creating mountain ranges. The largest of the land masses settle into continents. Valleys, gorges, canyons [ such as the great Grand Canyon ], are created by the rushing waters which raced to the north and south poles.

    Illustration (3)
    Noah finds the waters have resided. His arc has rested on dry land now. Earth is now as it is today, one pole, one rotation, and extreme temperature differences are found across the globe. Archeologists dig up dinosaur fossils. The dinosaurs are found with grasses still in their mouths. Salt water fish fossils are found in almost every mine on dry land. Ice covers the north and south poles. Science states the melting of those poles would flood the earth. Scientists agree the continents can be puzzled together as one. Scientifically the Biblical account more scientific than sciences account ? You decide......

  • #2
    As much as I respect you I find this last ditch attempt to stir up a religious debate on a forum you choose to leave a rather poor exit strategy. You choose to leave here on your own. If you are indeed the person you profess to be just leave it at that and go your own way. Creationist versus evolutionist controversy has nothing to do with vintage and antique motorcycles by any stretch of the imagination!
    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


    • #3
      On the contrary....This was not an attempt to stir up anything at all Robbie. Just figured to take the opportunity of my last chance of posting to place food for thought in the minds of people. Like the one sided view which is taught in schools, this should be an alternative teaching. "Parking Lot Chatter" Anything has gone in this category in the past, which was not motorcycle related, why not this ?


      • #4
        Rubone, You take a lot of cheap shots at people on this here internet, but to accuse Paps of have an "exit strategy" is your lowest shot yet. Is everything in your life a strategy to you? Don't trouble yourself to post an ansewer to a lowly pee-on like myself.
        AMCA #7300


        • #5
          Paps. I agree 100%!


          • #6
            I don't fault Robbie for his incorrect assumption folks. Typed words are easy to misinterpret sometimes. I always hoped my integrity and character would remove any doubt as to any of my posts and replies. I may be astounded and shocked, that the powers at hand, have decided to implement a risky forum posting policy upon the membership, but I would never consider retribution or any other malice act, because I do not feel spiteful, nor do I have any feelings of resentment. I believe the decision was a stupid decision. It is my choice not to comply with it. I hope this settles the issue on Robbie’s misinterpretation of my post intentions.

            Now....the theory again.... This particular post was put up because it was my last chance to put the theory out there for you people. I personally think the theory is brilliant. It holds as much weight, if not more, than the present theory taught today. When was the last time you took a box of bike parts.....tossed them out on the shop floor....and they miraculously turned into a transmission, engine, set of forks, or some other what have you randomly... ?? The subject of the topic is relying on Scripture...and not intended to push a religion. Scripture is used only in reference to scientific possibilities. In other words...what Scripture a scientific possibility. In my humble opinion, this theory is more believable than the present scientific theory which is taught as fact. The theory makes scientific sense. It is actually logical.

            Later Bros !! Paps / Pa / Paul


            • #7
              Rubone, You take a lot of cheap shots at people on this here internet, but to accuse Paps of have an "exit strategy" is your lowest shot yet. Is everything in your life a strategy to you? Don't trouble yourself to post an ansewer to a lowly pee-on like myself.
              Just what makes you think of this as a "cheap shot", Steve. My point was merely that if one is going to open a discussion on the eve of not being part of it, then what is the point. And as far as cheap shots I would love to know what it is you consider a cheap shot in the past. I am one to speak my mind on things and cheap shots are not a part of my way of discussion. If you feel in some way I have wronged you then speak up. I am not afraid of criticism and don't feel in any way I am any better or worse than anyone else. But if a person presents themselves as a fool I have no issue with agreeing with them! Paps, Pa ,Paul I respect greatly, and do not in any way consider a fool, I just fail to see the reason for starting something one cannot complete. If you have issue with that so be it!
              Robbie Knight Amca #2736


              • #8
                I respect Paps, Robbie, and Steve and will miss two of them. We all have other intrests and passions beyond antique motorcycles and that's what makes us unique. I see more of that here than other forums and that is why I couldn't give up my AMCA forum privledges. We'll miss you guys and hope to see you back some day.

                I respect Robbie as well, I just meant Steve and Paps because I assume Robbie is staying with us. Did I need to repeat that ?
                Last edited by exeric; 11-14-2010, 06:10 PM.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #9
                  I have read this and other subjects on this forum such as Barry selling the yardlong reproductions and have determined that rather than a forum for information, it has become attacks against members who for the most part have the same interests . Parking Lot Chatter is an appropriate thread as this is stuff that we would discuss at the meets, at night, when we are setting by the campfire. What I find is a disconnect between like parties. Barry can sell what he wants as long as he has customers to buy his product at his price.PERIOD. I cannot afford his product nor do I seek it. I have my own views, political, social, religious, and on vintage seats, saddlebags, and the like. That is why I post here. But these mean spirited attacks, I can do without. You folks are my customers, my friends, and users of the small bit of information that I can provide. I hate to lose anyone in this forum as I have had the opportunity to gleann much information and hope I have helped someone with my limited knowledge. We as a brotherhood seem to have lost our way. People are who they are, accept or not.But please stop this bullshit of personal attacks and let us get back to what is truly important--OUR ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLES--Michael-- for now 6671


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Paps View Post
                    When was the last time you took a box of bike parts.....tossed them out on the shop floor....and they miraculously turned into a transmission, engine, set of forks, or some other what have you randomly...
                    those are very close to my own thoughts on the subject. i once asked somebody to look at a simple pickup truck out in the parking lot and then asked them if it took any design or planning to create it....once that was answered i asked this person to look in the mirror and answer the same question about themselves.

                    Paps maybe meet you and the rest of the peeps that post here, at Wauseon or Oley 2011. best regards - sludge.


                    • #11
                      Wow.....It looks like I get one more shot at posting tonight. Midnight is about to strike here. I figure the software is probably set for that moment. Hope to see you all at at the AMCA swapmeets Bro's !

                      It will be my pleasure to meet you sludge. You can find me at the links I posted. I usually know well in advance when I will be at a meet.

                      Robbie....I would have put that theory up weeks ago....but it wasn't completed yet. Yep...I am the author of it. I haven't had much time to work on it but it has been on my mine for years now.

                      Later, Paps

                      P.S. I always use the word later because the word bye seems permanent.

