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Clown column

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  • Clown column

    I guess us ol' po' folks can't run with the big dogs anymore. So maybe we need our own thread to just talk shop, help each other, and have fun. Maybe some day I'll be rich enough to be a "real" member. 'til then, I'll just pay my membership dues, and stay out of the way. For the small amount of members on this site, it seems to me there is a lot of high rollers, and look down their nosers. And you wonder why people don't get more involved? I'll have to see if I can get a clown icon, so maybe someone on here will give me a break. Or maybe I'll just stay over at the Pan/flattie site, where people are a lot more civil, and might I say helpful. Anyway, good luck with your million dollar collections! I lost my ass on the last two bikes I sold this year. I can't complain, because that is probably still more than they are worth. Just wish I hadn't got caught up in the hoopla around the turn of the millenium. There are a whole lot of people working on and riding old bikes out there that couldn't give crap about the AMCA. Maybe if there was something genuinely here for them, they would join. Or if it wasn't so hard to get to. Most bikers are a crusty crowd, and they don't take a hankerin' to snooty golf club shows, or sanctimonious so called experts. That's my rant for today. I feel better now. Mike

  • #2
    Other than that, why are ya pissed off?
    AMCA #3149


    • #3
      well sign me up and call me clarabell.


      • #4
        You must be refering to the Tocci collection that was posted in the 'For Sale' catagory. All I see is a guy trying to help an old friend sell his collection to caring collectors. There are some nice (and valuable) bikes there and he has every right to get top dollar for them. I have a good friend who has spent many years collecting his Indians and Harleys and he too is getting to the end of his journey on this planet. My friend had a blue collar job, and raised a family but still found a way to build a nice collection of bikes. The AMCA is full of great people who worked hard to get what they have. You're painting a picture that does not represent this club at all.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #5
          Now wait just a gosh darn minute there. Nobody calls me a high-roller and gets away with it.


          • #6
            I think you are off base on this one. Yeah, there are members of this club whose professions have given them the ability to acquire some great stuff. But for the most part the membership is made up of regular, hardworking guys. Guys who have what they have because they scrimp and save to have it! (And often at the expense of other activities or relationships!) I spend a lot of time fooling around on the computer. Why? Because for the last 18 months or so I have been out of work. I also happen to live in a poor state and in one of the poorest counties within that state, so work opportunities don't come along every day. I also happen to have a fairly extensive library and memorabilia collection, as well as my bikes, all of which I worked hard for and have accumulated over the last 40+ years. I own nice bikes because I built them myself and have owned them a long time, not because I just went out and bought them. I learned to do all my own work, because I could not afford to pay others to do it. And I am not unique in this club, more members are like me than are not. And some others who you may perceive as elitist are not either. I have found that almost to a man they are willing to help and often go out of their way. It all depends on how you approach people, and how you deal with them after contact is made.
            Last edited by Rubone; 11-05-2010, 05:21 PM.
            Robbie Knight Amca #2736


            • #7
              Hey. I said it was just my rant for the day. In this world today, if someone doesn't have anything to bitch about, they must be stoned. The club does alright, and we all have our opinions. I just don't like being belittled because of mine. I'm not the one who called somebody a clown that doesn't have "two sense" worth to put in. And if you don't think there are a wgole lot of people out there who feel like that, let me tell you something else- the world isn't flat. Sure, you say, proove it. Well, if you would just check memberships at meets, that would be a clue. I am a member. i have done a little work at a meet. It might just be the independent nature of us, but I will say again, how amazed I am at people that are into bikes, especially older ones, who just aren't attracted to the AMCA. Probably there is nothing that can be done about it, but that doesn't mean we can't try. And like I said about the hoser auction, more power to them if they are members. I know Dick Winger had a wonderful collection, and I sure as heck don't hold that against anybody. I was just grateful to visit it once when he was there before his passing. I know one thing: the AMCA needs to loosen up on the chapters, because there isn't one close enough to me to allow me any benefits, or a chance to really belong in a meaningful way. Mike


              • #8
                wish i could roll high. i got up at 4:30 am. and drove into nyc. only to find out the elevator man wont let me use it. dam marble statue i have is to heavy.lugged that f***k*ng thing up 9 floors. thing is so heavy they wouldn't steal it in r.l's ghetto! i to think your barking up the wrong tree.alot of guys here worked their arse off for what they have.yes some bought bikes cheap.that was in the 70's when they got paid $45 a week and worked 2 jobs to buy the bike
                rob ronky #10507


                • #9
                  Robbie is dead on when it comes to the aquiring memorabilia and bikes and the club membership as well. Sure wish I had the change to blow on some of those goodies up for grabs. Mike is bitching legitimately as well. There are two sides to every story. Many times it depends on which side you are viewing it from. I know Mike. He is a swell individual. A pretty damn smart one as well. I remember when I was Mike's age....oops....for a minute I did anyhow...LOL... I'll refrain from ranting so I don't make any ears deef or any eyes blind. All in all though....I am proud to be an AMCA member. I don't agree with all things, especially the forums new posting policy [ hense my demise here ], but I do take exteme honor in knowing the folks who are members as well. When I first became crippled, it was AMCA members who rushed to my aid. Those particular members would be offended if I mentioned them by name. That is just how humble they are.


                  • #10
                    Here I go again. Listen, I don't want to knock anyone. I have my opinions, but I also just turned 60, and have been around awhile myself. I do try to speak from what I consider a legitimate experience, and observations. I know I didn't knock anyone for having big collections. More power to you. Enjoy everything you can! So lets get past that. Got a toy run Sunday. Hope I'm up to it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by portagepan View Post
                      Here I go again. Listen, I don't want to knock anyone. I have my opinions, but I also just turned 60, Mike
                      60? Hi kid!
                      Be sure to visit;
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                      • #12
                        Hey. I have a complaint! My complaint is that I have nothing to bitch about.


                        • #13

                          It is getting thaqt time of year Mike, I was in the Crispy Creme drinking a cup -o-coffee tonight while my wife and daughter were messing around at the Sprint cellphone store, they was playing Christmas music. I enjoy toy runs, need to look some up. Thanks for the reminder.
                          Pete Cole AMCA #14441
                          1947 Indian Chief


                          • #14
                            In the 30 plus years I have been involved with classic motorcycles I have met and dealt with some of the greatest people in the world and some of the biggest jackasses too. Like any hobby or passion ours covers a wide spectrum of people. I try to live by the philosophy of ignoring the jerks and spending more time with the people I enjoy and hope they feel the same about me.

                            If someone wants to brag about how much more he knows about my bike than I do that's fine but do it in a constructive and friendly way. Rub my nose in it and see we walk away. And yes, prices are getting kind of crazy in some cases.
                            Buzz Kanter
                            Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
                            [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
                            [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by portagepan View Post
                              I also just turned 60
                              Damn Mike...You be real lucky ! I always thought you were in your mid 40's. You hold your age very well. Now I envy you.

