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Eye Candy!!!!

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  • Eye Candy!!!!

    This clip shows my kinda bikes!!!!

    Cory Othen

  • #2
    You have Great Taste !! Paps


    • #3
      Yes Paps, I fell in love with old American iron as a youngster and it's been life long so far!!!!
      Cory Othen


      • #4
        Great stuff Cory!
        So I take it that we've all accepted the Pebble Beach thing? It's good to graduate, and see our machines recognized as they deserve. Next year's venue will feature Italian made bikes. Looks like they are on a role with bike now. About time.


        • #5
          Nice video. Thanks for sharing.
          Marc S. Gallin
          SoCal Chapter AMCA


          • #6
            Wow , Thanks Cory

            Lot of time /effort lavished on those machines, out of interest what is the judging criteria at these concours events?

            Note that 38 Indian Four great paint & finishes but a few non-correct items jumped out at me


            • #7
              In the tradition of Pebble Beach the shinier the better, damn the originality .


              • #8
                Barry, Barry, Barry,
                did you even look at the movie? Half the bikes there were original paint! Same with the cars featured, although this clip doesn't show any cars. The best of show bike was a 15 year old restoration that was actually driven on the 75 mile tour a few days previous, same with 2nd place, the '15 X that then went on to perform a perfect score on the Cannon Ball!
                It just doesn't get any better than that! Steve Hunztinger was a winner all around on this, as his restorations earned all the top honors of the restored bikes, the rest were originals.
                Yes, the '38 4our would not have faired well on our Judging Field, and yes, the Yale was a bit over done, and even the Crockers had a little controversy, But, BUT, one of the Crockers was Crocker # 1. So in my book it gets a pass.
                The other Crocker was commandiered to start up Dales race bike, rear tire, to rear tire!
                Me thinks you need to come out West here, and experience this phenominal first hand. Just mention my name, and they'll open the door for ya.
                Truthfully, the bikes received the favor of the public this time. Vince rattled that Torpedo tanked Indian almost every 20 minutes. Next year will feature Italian made bikes. Maybe you got something to enter? MV? Moto lecce? Spumani? It really is the ultimate.
                All the best, RF.

