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Drunk Officer Fatality Charges Dropped

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  • Drunk Officer Fatality Charges Dropped

    Received this email today..... Paps

    Sounds like his buddies covered his ass.
    Sturgis Freedom Fighters
    Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

    This is outrageous!
    A prosecutor said Thursday he is dropping drunken driving charges against an Indianapolis police officer accused in a crash that killed a motorcyclist because the officer's blood test wasn't properly obtained. Aug. 19
    View the video at: You will have to suffer through the commercial first though. Please take the time to contact the Mayor of Indianapolis, Gregory A. Ballard, to voice your outrage.
    You can contact him by going to this web address:
    His office phone is also listed as: (317) 327-3601
    Mark Infield
    Editor / Owner
    The Carolinas'
    Full Throttle Magazine
    We are bikers who publish a magazine, not publishers who own motorcycles!

  • #2
    Twice the legal limit. I'd like to see every responding pig lose their jobs as well. I sure hope the familys win big when this gets to cival court. Damn, and then they wonder why they get no respect.
    AMCA #7300


    • #3
      My first thought was the responding officers know full well the drill on DUIs. But in this case...they forgot ????


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
        Twice the legal limit. I'd like to see every responding pig lose their jobs as well. I sure hope the familys win big when this gets to cival court. Damn, and then they wonder why they get no respect.
        And as a motorcycle enthusiast you wonder why you get no respect when you use words like "pigs" to describe law enforcement officers. phuck you


        • #5
          My apologies if I offended you officer, but I call them as I see them. Had any officers responded to this fatality and did their duty then we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
          AMCA #7300


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
            My apologies if I offended you officer, but I call them as I see them. Had any officers responded to this fatality and did their duty then we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
            Sorry for popping off. I just see that word and get pissed. Year two of retirement after 37 years. 22 in a SWAT environment; last 10 in charge of a 10 man team and 8 man sniper element.

            Amazes me that police are STILL their own worst enemy. It's like pouring gas on to a fire to put it out. Drunk officer, traffic fatality, innocent victim, compounded by investigating officers screwing up basic evidence collection. Seems that at times LEO will never get the big picture...


            • #7
              No problem Dave, After 37 years on the job your loyalty is understandable, and your years of service are appreciated.
              AMCA #7300


              • #8
                Dave....It is an honor to have had you serve. But like every job classification, there is the scumbags. There is a huge difference between an officer and a pig. That particular force seems to have several pigs on it. If those other officers had any honor whatsoever, or respected the high position they hold, they would have crucified that bastard. Paps


                • #9
                  The same thing happened up here in Vancouver BC just recently. The guy didn't remain at the scene, drove home and then turned himself in. And of course he had to have a few drinks at home to calm himself down. It's unfortunate but we see a lot of CYA and CYBA with the LEO's up here with all sorts of different scenarios.


                  • #10
                    Understand paps. Hell it makes me want to go grab them by the neck and choke them until they pass out. They do not realize (or seem to care) about the dis-honor it does to all the men and women who wear a badge and truly try to make the world a better place. It wouldn't surprise me if something as screwed up as this didn't end up getting investigated by the States Attorney General's Office. I believe that in Kali it would at least...


                    • #11
                      I emailed the address in the post, and got an immediate reply. It looks like they are going to forcefully pursue this. I let them know that I would not be visiting, or spending any money there until this is properly resolved. There are misfits and lowlifes in any profession. Any coverup would be more troubling to me. If a drunk had hit and killed one of their officers, I am sure the initial response would have been much different. A refusal to accept a blood test does NOT preclude a charge, and trial. The prosecutor needs to wake up and fly right. Mike


                      • #12
                        My dad retired from the PD in 1984 and had a belt buckle that had the word PIG in the middle and then around the edge had the words Patience, Integrity, Guts.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by portagepan View Post
                          I emailed the address in the post, and got an immediate reply. It looks like they are going to forcefully pursue this. I let them know that I would not be visiting, or spending any money there until this is properly resolved. There are misfits and lowlifes in any profession. Any coverup would be more troubling to me. If a drunk had hit and killed one of their officers, I am sure the initial response would have been much different. A refusal to accept a blood test does NOT preclude a charge, and trial. The prosecutor needs to wake up and fly right. Mike
                          That is true character ! Also great disposition !! Seems your Dad had his own way of discrediting the officers who helped create the word. I tip my hat to your Dad. Paps


                          • #14
                            Thanks Paps, He was one of the good ones.


                            • #15
                              Portage wife and I are planning a holiday thru there next summer and I too emailed them with my displeasure. I received a quick email. I will not enter that city for a long time but I am happy that the appearance is that action is being taken.

