"Motorcycles in Retrospect" started out as a great magazine with articles by Bob McClean, Pete Gagan and others. Unfortunately it is no more. Celtic Moon publishing has filed bankruptcy. Figures, I sent in my subscription renewal a couple of months ago.
No announcement yet.
Motorcycles in Retrospect
The failure of MIR was unfortunate, as it was a great magazine. It also ended my new career as a paid journalist! Both Bob McClean and I ended up out of some money, but it was fun while it lasted. If you give me your e-mail address, Kojak, I'll send you a copy of my last unpublished article on FN fours.
Pete Gagan petegagan@antiquemotorcycle.org
On the subject of "Motorcycles in Retrospect", I just got a note today from the US Bankruptcy court stating that MIR and two other titles plus subscription lists have been bought by "Fireside Media Corp". for $105,000.00. Maybe they will start the mag again, and the $105,000 will help pay off some of the creditors a few pennies on the dollar-(Such as Bob and I). Maybe they'll even honor your subscription, Kojak, but I wouldn't hold my breath.