This is dumb -I would suggest reading something else -but I discovered something interesting.
I was shooting the bull with a fellow ant. M/C guy. I had a few - so in describing a fellow M/C restoration guys skills, I was looking for a non-derogitory creative word to descibe the guy in conversation. I said; "Ya, he's very persnickety with his resto work." We had a good laugh with that one. As you don't hear that word very often.
I later thought to myself. Is that even a word? Did I have one, too many? Well, now I know - yes it is, and in fact a period correct word to boot! So there ya go. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
P.S. I'll bet $50 that Bob McClean will love this word. Someone tell it to him. I've noted he LOVES to say "Schickel". But then again - who doesn't!
Pronunciation: p&r-'sni-k&-tE
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of pernickety
Date: circa 1905
1 a : fussy about small details
I was shooting the bull with a fellow ant. M/C guy. I had a few - so in describing a fellow M/C restoration guys skills, I was looking for a non-derogitory creative word to descibe the guy in conversation. I said; "Ya, he's very persnickety with his resto work." We had a good laugh with that one. As you don't hear that word very often.
I later thought to myself. Is that even a word? Did I have one, too many? Well, now I know - yes it is, and in fact a period correct word to boot! So there ya go. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
P.S. I'll bet $50 that Bob McClean will love this word. Someone tell it to him. I've noted he LOVES to say "Schickel". But then again - who doesn't!
Pronunciation: p&r-'sni-k&-tE
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of pernickety
Date: circa 1905
1 a : fussy about small details