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AMCA Road Run New Denver,B.C.

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  • AMCA Road Run New Denver,B.C.

    After many hours of sorting out countless issues on the '48 Pan I was able to take it on it's maiden voyage to the picturesque area of the West Kootenays in B.C. It was a perfect spot for a gathering of old sickles and grins were a common site. Many thanks to Perry Ruiter for helping me through some major hurdles... the bike finally came together a day before departure and other than the odd small hiccup the bike (on the 400 mile rounder with sidetrips as well) ran nearly flawlessly. I didn't take nearly enough pictures but here's a few.........

    This is our Motley Crue having a pit stop after a ferry crossing....

    Indians were by far the most represented as a Laughing Indian Rider gathering occurred in conjunction with the AMCA event....

    Here's the hot little Scouton from the West Coast...

    An electric start Chief????

    A few of us decided to take a run up the mountain to the ghost town of Sandon. It's an amazing spot and we stopped for a photo op in front of this old engine...

    This bike was the showstopper I have to admit I nearly needed a bib to control the drool!!!

    Here's a clip of the '11 single... sorry for the quality I've got to see if I can figure out how to make the little digital do better!!
    Last edited by c.o.; 08-19-2010, 07:15 PM. Reason: spellin'
    Cory Othen

  • #2
    Great pix Cory ,Thers just something about seeing bikes packed and traveling on the road........especially old bikes
    AMCA Member#1848


    • #3
      Thanks Chuck!! I would have to agree... travelling on old iron is the closest thing we can get to the past!!! I've had people tell me that you can't ride that old stuff it's just for shows and display. Wrong!!! They rode them in the old days and I can't see any reason why we can't ride 'em now!!!
      Cory Othen


      • #4
        Great stuff Cory, and thanks. I didn't realize that you were right over us here on the West. I recognize Don Doody's white Chief with the brass trim & full hub caps, also Allan "Zippy" Lawsons hot rod Norton/Scout. Looks like you'll be having less time to fiddle with the forum now that your bike is running?
        Good on ya, RF.


        • #5
          Yup Fred it's a mere eight hour or so drive for me to dip my feet in the Pacific... Don and Al were there with bells on!!! I'll still be kickin' around the forum a bit.... Joe's '14 isn't quite finished

          I almost forgot this beauty........

          Cory Othen

