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Something intresting that has nothing to do with M/C

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  • #16
    Most if not all of the big major charities donating to African countries have their funds syphoned off by corrupt leaders. Just listened to an informed CBC documentary on this subject. I think Oxfam was the worst.


    • #17
      The interception of emails was not my explanation. It was the explanation of my Candian friends. That doesn't boggle mind mind though. All email communication, world wide, is sifted through. I asked about registration because registration is the forefront of future confinscation. UN agreements have placed all UN membership into the confinscation category. The populas must be disarmed in order to implement the NWO. The very first act for world gov began in the early 60's with the disarmament treaty, which, through stupidity and lack of knowledge, our own US President at the time, "John Kennedy" signed on to, along with the other ranking member nations of the UN. John Kennedy promised to reveal the mistake he made to the citizenship of the US 10 days from the time of his promise to do such. He was to make the anouncement in Dallas, TX. We all know the rest of the story.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
        Thats right folks, this has nothing to do with motorcycles but just the same has a lot to do with freedom. The framers of this country must be rolling in thier graves. Happy 4th lads. Bob
        This video is outdated and therefore incorrect in at least one claim. It refers to Allan Rock as the "Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations". Rock resigned from that position in February, 2006, after a new Canadian parliament of a different political makeup was elected.



        • #19
          I'm not suggesting we let our guard down, but I'm not too worried about it.
          Even the Obama administration realizes that gun control is a third rail issue and don't want to touch it. They get burned everytime they try. None the less. "Keep Your Powder Dry"


          • #20
            Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
            WRONG!! I know a guy here in Canada that has MANY handguns all legal and he is far from rich , he teaches adult high school part time. There are LOTS of guns in Canada, just try invading us again to find out!
            USA invading Canada? I remember hearing about this. The Canadians where throwing hand grenades over the border and the Americans were pulling the pins and throwing them back!


            • #21
              I travel to Canada 2-5 times a year. I may buy a cottage there before it's over. When I drive in, the 1st question I'm asked by the border guys is "Do you have any guns, pepper spray or tasers", I ain't sure why, but it is ALWAYS the 1st question. When I fly, it's not asked. I own no guns as I had my fill in the Army of weaponry. I do believe anyone who is law-abiding should be able to own any type they so desire.
              Pete Cole AMCA #14441
              1947 Indian Chief

