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Something intresting that has nothing to do with M/C

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  • Something intresting that has nothing to do with M/C

    Thats right folks, this has nothing to do with motorcycles but just the same has a lot to do with freedom. The framers of this country must be rolling in thier graves. Happy 4th lads. Bob
    Last edited by Robert Luland; 07-04-2010, 09:02 PM.
    AMCA #3149

  • #2
    This has a lot to do with motorcycles. Without your guns they will next come after your motorcycle and everything else they want.


    • #3
      It all adds up to 666 !


      • #4
        I don’t believe for a minute that our friends to the north or across the pond or those down under would ever throw us under the bus. Something smells fishy to me about that video.
        AMCA #7300


        • #5
          You can’t own a hand gun in Canada. You can’t own a hand gun or a long gun in the UK or down under without special permission. That must be some smelly fish Steve. Bob
          AMCA #3149


          • #6
            Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
            You can’t own a hand gun in Canada. You can’t own a hand gun or a long gun in the UK or down under without special permission. That must be some smelly fish Steve. Bob
            i'm sorry but it is quite possible to legally own and use a handgun in Canada - and many people do for various purposes such as target shooting. It is also possible to legally have and keep such weapons as machine guns.



            • #7
              Originally posted by AFJ View Post
              i'm sorry but it is quite possible to legally own and use a handgun in Canada - and many people do for various purposes such as target shooting. It is also possible to legally have and keep such weapons as machine guns.

              It is my understanding that answer is are wealthy enough to have the capability to purchase permits which expire regularly...or.... you are in a certain aspect of law are one of the gun grabber gov personal.


              • #8
                WRONG!! I know a guy here in Canada that has MANY handguns all legal and he is far from rich , he teaches adult high school part time. There are LOTS of guns in Canada, just try invading us again to find out!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
                  WRONG!! I know a guy here in Canada that has MANY handguns all legal and he is far from rich , he teaches adult high school part time. There are LOTS of guns in Canada, just try invading us again to find out!
                  Paps "understanding" is, as Barry points out, incorrect.

                  Attempts by "Americans" to invade and conquer "Canada" went on frequently from the 1750s until, by my remembrance of history, 1869. Since which time, our two nations have, more often than not, been allies against common aggression.

                  That the regulation of such things as firearms, civil rights, health care, the banks, real estate and financial sectors differs between our two nations is also a matter of history and the divergent evolution of these separate, and very different, societies.

                  Unfortunately, there is a sad tendency in a small segment of American media, which often shows up most often on the Internet, to denigrate anything which is not deemed to have originated, been practiced, esteemed, or conceived in the "good old USA". This assumption of "natural superiority" for the Republic blinds a goodly number of its citizens to much that is of potential value to them and their country.



                  • #10
                    Thanks for the correction fellas. I was thinking of England. I often corespond with my Canadian friends via emails. Though a little off topic, I felt it relevent to mention. This is not from me but from my Canadian friends. Most of our emails are intercepted and removed. Neither of us receive them. My Canadian friends tell me the Canadian gov does this. Our communications are about motorcycles. This puzzles them as much as it puzzles me. When we need to talk parts purchases, we use the telephone or our messages don't get through. As far as firearms go.....are they all registered in Canada ? Can you own and possess an unregistered firearm ?


                    • #11
                      Canadian government intercepts and removes emails!!! What the heck are you smoking? Can I buy some??
                      Recently they tried a long gun registry here after a nut case killed 17 young women engineering students in Montreal with a semi automatic but the backlash from country folk and the complexity and use for such a registry ( perceived) has caused it to be abandoned. hand guns must be registered if you want to be legal.
                      Anyone can shoot anyone here if you don't mind the consequences. Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans , not quite sure why but probably more to do with Macdonalds than bullets.


                      • #12
                        That's classic Barry; but I don't think Ronald McDonald would think it's funny.
                        Eric Smith
                        AMCA #886


                        • #13
                          The last time I saw any figures the Canadians had far more guns per-capita than Americans but used them on each other far less frequently. As is typical with most things in America we are our own worst enemies!
                          Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                          • #14
                            Eric, it’s funny you should mention the clown. When I first got this video, I flipped it on and went back to doing paperwork ready to dismiss it with the rest of the e-mail junk I get. What I found interesting was not the banding of hand guns but as I listened the word Unisef came up and every light bulb in my brain went off. I suddenly found my self envisioning some little irchent coming to my door on Halloween dressed as Freddy Kruger demanding my guns and freedoms. To say the least Unisef will never get another dime from me. Bob
                            AMCA #3149


                            • #15
                              I'm shutting them off as well. Nothing any more is as it seems.
                              AMCA #7300

