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I Apologize to Kevin

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  • I Apologize to Kevin

    Now, in another thread, I read a post one minute, and drank it in, and when I went back to look for it a few minutes later, after referring to it in the post I was creating, it was gone. Disappeared. Obviously deleted, by someone.

    In every other forum using this software that I've used, if a poster changes his mind later, or even accidentally double-posts and goes back to delete one to avoid looking like a klutz, the thread still keeps a reference, like, "Post Deleted by... Joe Blow, 7:49pm," or something. It leaves a "paper trail," a record, even of an "oops" marker in the thread so that people looking for it later would at least be reassured that it had once existed.

    When I didn't see the particular post, that was, to say the least, uncomplimentary-to-its-writer, but that there no record of, just showing me that the post had been excised and the numbers had been readjusted, I smelled shenanigans, or a conspiracy (the post I'm referring to had been by Robin Markey, and everyone knows the webmaster).

    When the post had disappeared completely, I assumed that it took special access, a webmaster, or at least supermoderator, to excise a post once posted and to cover it so cleanly it never had existed, as is required on other forums. To my shame, I publicly accused Kevin, later, of conspiracy and shenanigans reminiscent of a theme right out of the novel "1984." ("He who controls the past controls the future." --Big Brother). Kevin came back and vehemently denied to me interfering with anyone's exercise of Freedom of Speech on this board.

    Well, just today, after over 200 posts here, I was stunned that I'd committed a faux pas and double posted one of my contributions to a thread. For my first time on this forum, I had to go back back into "Edit," and use "Delete Post," and (surprised me!), my post just disappeared, on this version of the software, clean as a whistle!

    So I offer my public apology to Kevin. He didn't delete Robin's 9:12 am post of the other day and deny it, a crime to which I'd foolishly jumped to the conclusion and accused him. I am sorry, Kevin, for attacking your integrity over so petty a matter.
    It is obvious that any poster, in this version of this forum software, can delete his own post, within, I think, 24 hours, and there's no record left of it.

    That's too easy. And not that that's a good thing, but it is how it works. It's too easy. My apologies; I'm sorry, Kevin!
    Gerry Lyons #607

  • #2
    We all screw up Sarge, It takes big man to make it right...Mike


    • #3
      It happens to the best of us,
      and someday I hope to qualify,

      AMCA #776
      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


      • #4
        Hey Man !!! Poop Happens ! Paps


        • #5

          If you open your eyes before you condemn, you'll find the post, actually 2, that you're referring to. They're still there. I searched and found them. I think there's a posting time problem on this forum.


          • #6
            let me get this right.
            saying OOPS, is supposed to make everything alright, after you tried to totally trash the reputation of someone that has worked so hard for this club for all those years??


            • #7
              An apology is an acknowledgement that a mistake was made and in this case Gerry chose to publicly acknowledge his mistake. That is the best he or anyone else can do.

              Gerry has explained how he came to the erroneous conclusion that resulted in the earlier statements made here and has publicly apologized to Kevin in the same public forum in which the accusation was made. It is not for anyone else to continue to berate him when he has made the best amends he possibly can. Kevin can chose to accept the apology in public in this thread or can accept it in private with Gerry or he can, of course, say nothing to anyone. That aspect of it is really not anyone else's business.

              The private offering of an adult beverage is also not inappropriate. That works for me.
              Lonnie Campbell #9908
              South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

              Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

              Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


              • #8
                I must say I agree most hardedly with Lonnie's post, and over the years consider him to be a voice of reason. I have found that one of the hardest things a man can do in life is admit when he is wrong, but doing so is a release in its own way. No one has the right to bitch at Gerry for what he thought happened. That is his own world and I admire him for trying to make amends. I just wish this CRAP would go away and see some positive efforts to either accept the situation as it is or folks work CONSTRUCTIVLY to make positive changes to our hobby. Bitching on this or any other forum is just not going to get the job done.-- As Thomas Jefferson said , and I paraphrase " we have a wolf by it's ears and we cannot contain him nor safely let him go" . I am a historian and I realize Mr. J was talking about slavery but I feel the sentiment fits the situation---Michael--6671


                • #9
                  Michael, you have written the wisest post on this miserable subject that I have yet seen; and I include myself. I wish this thing would stop.
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886


                  • #10
                    End it!

                    Amen Eric, and thank you Michael for the insight, well said!


                    • #11
                      Perhaps if everyone went over here for a minute:


                      I think "Tommo," Peter from New Zealand, has asked the right question. And perhaps, (I hope!), we can finally get back to discussing antique motorcycles, motorcycle gatherings, and helping each other out with our antique motorcycle questions. I hope.
                      And thanks Lonnie, & Michael, Eric, et. al.
                      Gerry Lyons #607

