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joe barber trophy

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  • joe barber trophy

    joe barber trophy no longer under yankee control hyjacked by steve barber to be awarded in rhinebeck all done without yankee chaptor approval another reason to get out of sponsering rhinebeck for yanks

    paul g bergeron amca7989

  • #2
    Nice Post Paul but how about a little more info on this !! I got an email from theYankee Chapter more or less stating they where "rolling over" on this ! I figured that was the end of it,is it ?????


    • #3
      joe barber trophy

      dont know will have to see how things play out in rhinebeck


      • #4
        My blood is boiling over this. Hijack? Talk to the BOD!



        • #5
          A real shame!

          This is Steve Barber. I can be reached at 845-389-7197 anytime you want to talk. I was at Rhinebeck for the last 4 days and only 3 yankee members including Dan Margolien talked to me about this. The rest of you have sent emails around claiming many things about me without ever speaking to me in person, or my mother for that fact. I am tired of the email game over this whole mess. It's time the Yankees who are not happy about this talk to me face to face so we can discuss this like gentlemen, not babies on a computer!

          I really find it hard to believe you want to air this out to the whole club. This is not good for the Chapter or anyone invlved. I had hoped to keep this a private matter but you have chosen the other route, so here we go...

          I think it is a real shame that things have come to this. The Joe Barber Trophy was moved to Rhinebeck for many reasons. The bottom line is that there was a lack of communication on all sides and this should have been worked out better by everyone involved. The award was started by my Mother, Peg Barber, and it was her wish, along with mine, to honor my father at Rhinebeck since it is the closest meet to where Joe grew up, lived, worked and ran his business. The award has been at Hebron for about 13 years now and served it's time well there. My mother and I are very grateful to the Yankee chapter for all their work over the years. The bottom line is that my mother, Joe's wife of over 25 years, decided it was time to move the award to Rhinebeck. We did not feel that this was a big deal or would become the mess that it has. I appreciate how much this award means to the Yankee chapter and if you got my flyer at Oley you read that the award was to remain a Yankee award as it has always been. My family just wanted to move the award closer to home so our whole family can take part in the ceremony. Hebron is 3 hours away from home and our extended family has not been able to ever make it to Hebron. Secondly, Rhinebeck is the Yankee Chapter's national meet and we felt it was a great way to include new people into the award and make sure the award does not fizzle out. The past few years at Hebron the meet has gotten smaller and there has been less and less people participating in the award. All we wanted to do was honor my father at the Yankee Chapter's National meet and grow the award. We had 21 Panheads participate in the award process at Rhinebeck and 5 at Hebron last year. The award was presented by Dan Margolien as a Yankee award and I hope it can remain that way in the future.

          How can you tell my mother and I that we and our family can't honor Joe at Rhinebeck or that we " hijacked" the award?? This whole thing is crazy.

          I am really upset by this whole matter. I can write on for days. I will be at the Hebron meet and will meet with the entire Yankee chapter face to face so hopefully we can all work this out and continue to be friends.

          Lastly, I just have to say, my father would be happy this is going on. The award is about honoring the man, his legacy and his love for Panheads and the AMCA. We are all AMCA members first, and chapter members second.

          I sincerely hope this will all be worked out. I really hate to post stuff like this online but I feel that I must respond. I really do not want to respond to anymore stuff like this online. Please call me and talk to me.


          • #6
            Should have said it better before.

            Like this.

            Before anyone says that it was hijacked or anything else, as I stated, talk to the BOD.

            Whether I or anyone else likes it or not, again, talk to the BOD before posting.



            • #7
              I was at Hebron a number of years ago and observed the presentation - Joe had recently passed as I recall. Even though I was not a Yankee Chapter member I was very nicely invited to put my '48 in the line-up for the award. I distinctly recall that when the award was presented, it was clearly stated that the award was by Joe's wife and the Yankee Chapter in his memory. Being as how it is meant to honor Joe Barber and his love for panheads, if the decision was made by the family to present the award at Rhinebeck, I fail to see how it can be less of an honor to receive the award there.

              I had a great time at Hebron, great people and I made friends there that I am proud to know, but it was quite small even then, the smallest National meet I have ever attended. The fact of the matter is that Rhinebeck is now the focus in the Northeast and the smaller meets have all but disappeared. With the Joe Barber still being a Yankee Chapter award being presented at a meet sponsored by that chapter, it is inevitable that it would end up in Rhinebeck.
              Lonnie Campbell #9908
              South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

              Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

              Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


              • #8
                Barber Trophy

                Well said Steve, I'm glad you took the time to post it. And, Lonnie's comment is appropriate as well.

                I'll ride my '49 Pan from Little Rock to Rhinebeck next year just to put it in the line!



                • #9
                  The award is meant to honor the man. I was proud to present the award at Rhinebeck to a Perkiomen member whose side car equipped rigid pan was voted to win by his 20 of his peers. I hope he and his wife are equally as proud to receive it. The award means a lot to the Yankee Chapter because Joe meant a lot to the chapter.

                  It is unfortunate that the award presentation has stirred such emotions which are not good for the chapter nor the club as a whole.

                  It is my hope we can move forward as AMCA members, Yankee Chapter members, and antique bike lovers, to remember how Joe Barber and other deceased members of our club such as George Twine and David Barry inspired us to do our best restorations, to share our information and parts, and to befriend the new guy.

                  Dan Margolien
                  Director, Yankee Chapter
                  Dan Margolien
                  Yankee Chapter National Meet July 31/August 1 2020 at the TERRYVILLE Fairgounds, Terryville CT.


                  • #10
                    I am not taking any sides here, but wonder if this is really more about the award or about how the larger rallies are cannibalizing the smaller ones?
                    Buzz Kanter
                    Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
                    [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
                    [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


                    • #11
                      I believe you've hit the nail on the head, Buzz. I constantly hear comments about the smaller meets in the NE wasting away since Rhinebeck began. In many ways it is easier on a lot of folks, vendors and attendees, since there is for the most part just the single meet to attend which reduces expenses. However, what people say has been lost is the more personal feel of the small meets such as Harmony and Hebron.
                      Lonnie Campbell #9908
                      South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                      Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                      Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 74SHOP View Post
                        This is Steve Barber. I can be reached at 845-389-7197 anytime you want to talk. I was at Rhinebeck for the last 4 days and only 3 yankee members including Dan Margolien talked to me about this. The rest of you have sent emails around claiming many things about me without ever speaking to me in person, or my mother for that fact. I am tired of the email game over this whole mess. It's time the Yankees who are not happy about this talk to me face to face so we can discuss this like gentlemen, not babies on a computer!

                        I really find it hard to believe you want to air this out to the whole club. This is not good for the Chapter or anyone invlved. I had hoped to keep this a private matter but you have chosen the other route, so here we go...

                        I think it is a real shame that things have come to this. The Joe Barber Trophy was moved to Rhinebeck for many reasons. The bottom line is that there was a lack of communication on all sides and this should have been worked out better by everyone involved. The award was started by my Mother, Peg Barber, and it was her wish, along with mine, to honor my father at Rhinebeck since it is the closest meet to where Joe grew up, lived, worked and ran his business. The award has been at Hebron for about 13 years now and served it's time well there. My mother and I are very grateful to the Yankee chapter for all their work over the years. The bottom line is that my mother, Joe's wife of over 25 years, decided it was time to move the award to Rhinebeck. We did not feel that this was a big deal or would become the mess that it has. I appreciate how much this award means to the Yankee chapter and if you got my flyer at Oley you read that the award was to remain a Yankee award as it has always been. My family just wanted to move the award closer to home so our whole family can take part in the ceremony. Hebron is 3 hours away from home and our extended family has not been able to ever make it to Hebron. Secondly, Rhinebeck is the Yankee Chapter's national meet and we felt it was a great way to include new people into the award and make sure the award does not fizzle out. The past few years at Hebron the meet has gotten smaller and there has been less and less people participating in the award. All we wanted to do was honor my father at the Yankee Chapter's National meet and grow the award. We had 21 Panheads participate in the award process at Rhinebeck and 5 at Hebron last year. The award was presented by Dan Margolien as a Yankee award and I hope it can remain that way in the future.

                        How can you tell my mother and I that we and our family can't honor Joe at Rhinebeck or that we " hijacked" the award?? This whole thing is crazy.

                        I am really upset by this whole matter. I can write on for days. I will be at the Hebron meet and will meet with the entire Yankee chapter face to face so hopefully we can all work this out and continue to be friends.

                        Lastly, I just have to say, my father would be happy this is going on. The award is about honoring the man, his legacy and his love for Panheads and the AMCA. We are all AMCA members first, and chapter members second.

                        I sincerely hope this will all be worked out. I really hate to post stuff like this online but I feel that I must respond. I really do not want to respond to anymore stuff like this online. Please call me and talk to me.
                        well steve you seem to know nothing about the trophy except it was made for your dad . let me set the record for you. at your dads wake my friend jim darby and myself attend and you thanked use for driving out there. on the way back home (3 hr ride)me and jim talked about things your dad had done for the yankee chapter (the oldest chapter in the AMC) I don't think joe was in the empire chapter ,well I came up with the idea of a panhead trophy,at the time jim wasn't to keen on it but did give in on supplying some parts for it (he can't confirmed or deny any of this as he to passed away at a early age RIP my friend) with the yankees blessing I started out collecting broken HD parts I had the cam cover jim had a front head other yankees supplied the barrels and rear head I trade mike from OHIO a junk indian tranny for a set of case's that where made up of 3 different models mike welded them up and did the machine work then I had them engraved after asking peggy some stuff that she would want on the trophy and so the trophy was born when I presented it to your mom these where the rules I put in place it was only to go to a YANKEE member to keep it in or area if you wanted a chance to win it all you had to do was join the chapter the winner kept it for a complete year in case you don't know thats 365 days for the winner, when you took it from ron the last winner you broke the trust of the yankee's thats why there was only 3 or 4 yankees that you seen the rest are boycotting the rinebeck meet as I will be next year.
                        As for the rinebeck meet being the meet joe would have liked the most I strongly disagree ,when they would have the small chapter meets there it was like a ghost town not to many members from the new york area maybe 10 venders where at the meet that he said was his favorite was the heborn meet and you can tell when the baber thropy is placed on the picnic table up on the hill you can here noise's coming out of it.Oh ya one other thing is I gave it to your mom and for the first 2 yrs peg and I walk around the line up and she picked one and afther the 2 yrs she gave it back to the chapter and let the peers decide who got it.
                        the reason I did'nt call you is or club director was handling it as we thought we would be getting it back as its been it the yankee chapter since's it's birth and thats where it belongs. any national member can win it all he or she has to do is join the chapter simple way of keeping the membership up I'm sure you did'nt know all the history or you wouldn't have taken it from the last yrs winner WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DISPLAY IT AT HIS SHOP FOR 365 DAYS .and last but not least the motor will never run,it was made for a trophy to be displayed in honer of your dad BRING IT BACK TO HEBRON and let the yankees decide if they want to give it away at the Rhinebeck flop meet


                        • #13
                          As usual, seems there are two sides to this story. Without knowing any more than what I've read here, it sure does seem that the trophy was indeed "hi-jacked" from the Yankee Chapter. I can understand that Steve Barber would like to have control over a trophy that bares his father's name, that's just natural ....but from what I've read here, it doesn't make it right.
                          AMCA 15783

