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Something intresting 2

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  • Something intresting 2

    This book is being pushed around our nation ! It is in our libraries ! Soon it will be in our schools if not stopped ! The book is fine. The disclaimer is the problem !! Comments ?????

  • #2
    Does not reflect the same values? You've got to be kidding. Sounds like Wilder Publishing got some 'splaining to do. Email campaign anyone?
    47 WL
    51 Ls Sidecar
    03 FLHT


    • #3
      Parents may also want to discuss with their children how many young men gave their lives for what is in those books.

      Hopefully yesterdays elections will be the beginning of a new direction in our country. We all need to keep tossing the incumbents from office before they get to comfortable.

      Once the political system is cleaned up we still need to clean up the judicial system as well. So much to do and so little time to do it. Our grand kids are going to grow up cussing us and thinking we where idiots.
      AMCA #7300


      • #4
        That's a damn disgrace.

        If you read some of the replies in the comment section, the notations in the book are filled with tripe too.


        • #5
          The founding fathers were educated in history, and left us with a govenment, and contitution that should stand the test of time.

          This is a good example of creeping gradualism that is slowly re-educating our youth with bullshit ideals that will certainly someday cause us to become slaves in the land that our fathers conquered. ........(sounds like something one of them said before)


          • #6
            In the present day environment, you would expect different.
            AMCA #3149


            • #7
              The most important thing that the founders built in to these documents was the ability to change. It has changed to this now and hopefully it will change into something better in the future.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Will View Post
                The most important thing that the founders built in to these documents was the ability to change. It has changed to this now and hopefully it will change into something better in the future.
                The ability for us to change but not the ability for the meaning of the document to change.

