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Time To Trash The Print Magazine?

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  • Time To Trash The Print Magazine?

    Two thoughts come immediately to mind.
    1-Inevitable complaints about delivery time of the print magazine.
    2- statements that the print magazine is the single biggest expenditure for the club
    So why not get with the programme and go digital? The Canadian Club has done this but lets members still receive the print version if they choose.

  • #2

    Gosh, even the magazine format is too modern for me. I don't read it except in the "reading room", and never all of it.
    But I hoard them jealously.

    Let's just wait a few years until us dinosaurs are dead. Won't be long.

    Then replacing it will not be an issue, just like helmet laws will be redundant when all the kids want a Bluetooth plug-in, and the manufacturers put the gauge displays in a hologram in front of their nose.

    Just think how novel and collectible these old dead-tree publications will be when our children remember them as nostalgic!


    ...Cotten #776
    PS: I hope my position is clear....
    Last edited by T. Cotten; 05-19-2010, 07:29 AM.
    AMCA #776
    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


    • #3
      No way! It is one of the things that I enjoy and anticipate seeing come even if it might be sporadic on delivery times. When the satellite goes haywire (and it will one day) then how would we get it. I say stick with what got you there. Man, I still runs points in my bikes!!!!! At least with a spare set in my pocket or tool bag I can get home. Enough new technology already! Luddite and proud of it!!!

      Tom (Rollo) Hardy
      AMCA # 12766


      • #4
        Dump the hard copy magazine? No way!

        Then what would we get for our thirty bucks?
        AMCA #7300


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
          Dump the hard copy magazine? No way!

          Then what would we get for our thirty bucks?
          Right On !!! Brother ! Paps


          • #6

            I can't see me draging the computer into the bathroom for my morning reading.


            • #7
              Ill take mine in paper print thank you !!


              • #8
                Doesn't deserve and answer but there's mine anyway!


                • #9
                  Eliminate the magazine? I dont think so! It is the one thing we get as a member. Go digital and I might as well stop paying dues.


                  • #10
                    I like nothing more than to grab a cup of coffee in the morning and peruse through The Antique Motorcycle. I'm all for having it online as an option but I'd still like to get the paper in my hands.
                    Cory Othen


                    • #11
                      Dump it? No way. The magazine is well worth the $30 per year. Heck, I spend way more than that taking my family out for dinner. The magazine is first class in my opinion, and I get many hours of enjoyment out of it.


                      • #12
                        hows a guy supposed to get his vintage fixx when the power goes out!?!?:eek support yer local logger and use paper....


                        • #13
                          Get rid of the magazine?...No Way! If anything they should add a centerfold. Ohhh Yeahhh.....


                          • #14
                            Centerfold ! there's an idea.......For all those (looks like ONE) that wants to get rid of the mag they (he) can find all the centerfolds they (he) want on the web...
                            FaceBook >>>Modern Antique Cycle
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                            YouTube >>> LouieMCman


                            • #15
                              I vote for my paper copy. Mine has a hallowed place on the back of the toilet in the shop. If it disappeared my help would have my head.

