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petition to hold open elections for the AMCA board

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  • #61
    Gmarakas, you make clear and well thought out points but the bottom line is; where do qualified candidates come from? Personally, I think the pool of qualified candidates is extreamly small and the reality is, those dedicated people are probably already on the board. I don't think it's a matter of wanting the job, or even having a lot of good ideas; it's more of a pragmatic reality of being available for an indeffinate amount of time to serve the club. Most people don't have the time, or money to be that available. Even someone who is self employed would have trouble leaving their business to attend to the AMCA duties. The last thing the AMCA needs is an absentee board member who means well but can't fulfill their duties.

    Personally, I think things are going well with the AMCA. I'm getting 4 magazines, we just had a fantastic meet at Denton, and a summer of national meets to look forward to. If you want more than that from the AMCA, I suggest you volunteer. I know that sounds arrogant but it's a fact that not enough people step up to the plate to do these jobs. Obviously, it's the chapters that do all of the work at a meet and for most of us, that is where we see the AMCA. Those jobs are thankless and sometimes nasty but that is where true AMCA service begins.

    On the national level the AMCA is functioning quite well. We get our magazines, and they keep the umbrella over many things, and I've seen no loss or interruption of services. Just like electricity, it's always there. This judging thing has gotten way out of hand and is just getting absurd. One guy is making a huge stink and trying to pull the whole club down because he can't get what he wants. That doesn't say much for a potential chief judge's judgement.

    Maybe we should all go out to our shops and re-connect with our passion for old motorcycles.
    Last edited by exeric; 05-22-2010, 09:52 AM.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #62
      when you open a post, in the upper and lower left there is a box
      "post reply" is this not working for you??
      Kevin Valentine 13
      EX-Chief Judge


      • #63
        George and Kyle

        Out of 10,000+ members how many are voicing discontent has always been my point. The board is representing the whole membership. That's their tasking. Just because a few don't see it like they do or the majority of the other 10,000 plus members doesn't make their point of view any more valid. Should it be that the squeaky wheel gets more grease than the others. I think not. I've been on both sides of the coin. Many changes in the past have needed time to settle in and work as intended. One's that didn't are gone. Some time's the choices haven't been easy or were to satisfy some govermental regulation through no fault of our own. They serve as volunteers and have to submit a resume as well they should. Always question and be leary of the voiced opposition also. There are always two sides to the axe to be ground. Magazines coming, meets are here, road runs around the corner, sun's coming up tommorrow, it's all good.


        • #64
          RichO wrote:
          "Out of 10,000+ members how many are voicing discontent"

          Dr. Sprocket!

          Out of 10,000+ members, how many bother to have their machines judged?

          AMCA #776
          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


          • #65
            Originally posted by kval View Post
            when you open a post, in the upper and lower left there is a box
            "post reply" is this not working for you??
            "Post reply" does not work, my post will be lost. Quote works. I noticed in the box of forum rules, "may not" is bold print for reply, edit, and the other two.
            spose I could beg my grandson to tutor me..............


            • #66
              different now, "may" edit, start new, reply, etc. Prior, log-in has been requested after a reply and post worked. .. I only lost one post, no problem, thanks.


              • #67
                Dear Mr. Cotton,

                Might it not be, "How many out of 10,000+ members even have a motorcycle, or motorcycles, or a judgable motorcyle or motorcycles and or would or would not want them judged if they were? How many of them have already been judged if they wanted? How many don't care if they ever get judged and build to their own standard? Judging in my humble opinion has become one of the primary tenets of this club and I don't believe that was one of the main goals of the founding four. It was more about sharing these old machines with each other, the public (for their education), and through preservation keep them available for future generations. Their monetary value, fanatical (anal) restorations, and conditoning that well exceeds the machines that were pushed out the back door of the factories to keep the doors open and the staff payed week to week, are where we are now. I think we should be more focused on the enjoyment of each others company and the machines we own and ride. Perfect (humanly unatainable) or not.


                • #68
                  Can anyone give me a short explanation as to what this brouhaha is all about? I’m new around here and am clueless as to what the issue is all about. This might be just as well but curiosity has got the best of me. Thanks.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Bills37 View Post
                    Can anyone give me a short explanation as to what this brouhaha is all about? I’m new around here and am clueless as to what the issue is all about. This might be just as well but curiosity has got the best of me. Thanks.
                    If you click on the "First" page you will read that jmanjeff started a petition to hold open elections for AMCA officers (not sure). Last page or two some comments are doubtful of the prospects for real candidates. Some doubt the need to change from what we have. .......... it's not really a brouhaha, just another discussion, started by a notice of the petition.


                    • #70
                      The AMCA is healthy from what I see. We all have different ideas about how to make it better and there's nothing wrong with that. Discourse, dissent, and dialogue are always a good thing. Everyone that has responded to this, (regardless of their views) are people who deeply care about the AMCA and you have to admire that.
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #71
                        I believe about every view possible has been expressed. I think it is about time to put this one to sleep. Some people will keep wacking on it daily as long as it is fueled. Seems to me that if I were not a member and stumbled on to this forum, I would tend to think that the AMCA would not be anything that I would want to be a part of. Luckly I have been a member off & on since the early 70's and know a lot of good people that belong. Kind of funny that I don't hear much on here from the people that I know.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by RichO View Post
                          Might it not be, "How many out of 10,000+ members even have a motorcycle, or motorcycles, or a judgable motorcyle or motorcycles and or would or would not want them judged if they were? How many of them have already been judged if they wanted? How many don't care if they ever get judged and build to their own standard? Judging in my humble opinion has become one of the primary tenets of this club and I don't believe that was one of the main goals of the founding four. It was more about sharing these old machines with each other, the public (for their education), and through preservation keep them available for future generations. Their monetary value, fanatical (anal) restorations, and conditoning that well exceeds the machines that were pushed out the back door of the factories to keep the doors open and the staff payed week to week, are where we are now. I think we should be more focused on the enjoyment of each others company and the machines we own and ride. Perfect (humanly unatainable) or not.
                          Dr. Sprocket!

                          So,... you mean you don't mind that so many are turned off? The rest who squeak are just squeakers?

                          I read your point as "Out of 10,000+ members how many are voicing discontent has always been my point."
                          My point is there seems be a correlation between squeakers and active participants.

                          I'm not even a judging participant, but I can see that's a problem for the AMCA.

                          AMCA #776
                          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                          • #73
                            also have seen a lot about "our money". It is not our money, it is the club's. It doesn't belong to the members, or the board, but the club. We are a not for profit company, and always have been, so none of us have any vested interest. You pay your dues to belong and get the benefits, period. If the benefits aren't worthwhile, you drop out. It's up to the board to make them worthwhile.

                            What does this mean??? It is not our money, it is the club's. It doesn't belong to the members, or the board, but the club.

                            I always thought the "club" was the members.

                            I guess this only happens in a club where the club members do not have a vote in who runs our club.
                            Ed Glasgow
                            # 2053

